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Latitudinal patterns of terrestrial phosphorus limitation over the globe [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2021-01-01, 24 (7
Hou E.;  Wen D.;  Jiang L.;  Luo X.;  Kuang Y.;  Lu X.;  Chen C.;  Allen K.T.;  He X.;  Huang X.;  Luo Y.
Global observation of urban expansion and land-cover dynamics using satellite big-data [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (4
Kuang W.;  Du G.;  Lu D.;  Dou Y.;  Li X.;  Zhang S.;  Chi W.;  Dong J.;  Chen G.;  Yin Z.;  Pan T.;  Hamdi R.;  Hou Y.;  Chen C.;  Li H.;  Miao C.
Evolutionary analysis and lineage designation of SARS-CoV-2 genomes [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Tang X.;  Ying R.;  Yao X.;  Li G.;  Wu C.;  Tang Y.;  Li Z.;  Kuang B.;  Wu F.;  Chi C.;  Du X.;  Qin Y.;  Gao S.;  Hu S.;  Ma J.;  Liu T.;  Pang X.;  Wang J.;  Zhao G.;  Tan W.;  Zhang Y.;  Lu X.;  Lu J.
Single-cell RNA-seq unveils critical regulators of human FOXP3+ regulatory T cell stability [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2020-01-01, 65 (13
Yi G.;  Zhao Y.;  Xie F.;  Zhu F.;  Wan Z.;  Wang J.;  Wang X.;  Gao K.;  Cao L.;  Li X.;  Chen C.;  Kuang Y.;  Qiu X.;  Yang H.;  Wang J.;  Su B.;  Chen L.;  Zhang W.;  Hou Y.;  Xu X.;  He Y.;  Tsun A.;  Liu X.;  Li B.
The decadal shift of the long persistent rainfall over the northern part of China and the associated ocean conditions [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2019-01-01,
Yan P.;  Huang D.;  Zhu J.;  Kuang X.;  Huang Y.
Effects of climate on soil phosphorus cycle and availability in natural terrestrial ecosystems [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (8
Hou E.;  Chen C.;  Luo Y.;  Zhou G.;  Kuang Y.;  Zhang Y.;  Heenan M.;  Lu X.;  Wen D.
Enhanced CO2 photocatalytic reduction through simultaneously accelerated H2 evolution and CO2 hydrogenation in a twin photoreactor [期刊论文]
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2018-01-01, 24
Xiong Z.;  Kuang C.-C.;  Lin K.-Y.;  Lei Z.;  Chen X.;  Gong B.;  Yang J.;  Zhao Y.;  Zhang J.;  Xia B.;  Wu J.C.S.
Evaluation of lacustrine groundwater discharge; hydrologic partitioning; and nutrient budgets in a proglacial lake in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Using 222Rn and stable isotopes [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (10
Luo X.;  Kuang X.;  Jimmy Jiao J.;  Liang S.;  Mao R.;  Zhang X.;  Li H.
Summertime tropospheric ozone enhancement associated with a cold front passage due to stratosphere-to-troposphere transport and biomass burning: Simultaneous ground-based lidar and airborne measurements [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017-01-01, 122 (2
Kuang S.;  Newchurch M.J.;  Johnson M.S.;  Wang L.;  Burris J.;  Pierce R.B.;  Eloranta E.W.;  Pollack I.B.;  Graus M.;  de Gouw J.;  Warneke C.;  Ryerson T.B.;  Markovic M.Z.;  Holloway J.S.;  Pour-Biazar A.;  Huang G.;  Liu X.;  Feng N.
Recent winter precipitation changes over Eastern China in different warming periods and the associated East Asian jets and oceanic conditions [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2017-01-01, 30 (12
Huang D.;  Dai A.;  Zhu J.;  Zhang Y.;  Kuang X.

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