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Variability of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the Holocene and possible forcing mechanisms [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2019-01-01, 52 (2019-01-02
Lu F.;  Ma C.;  Zhu C.;  Lu H.;  Zhang X.;  Huang K.;  Guo T.;  Li K.;  Li L.;  Li B.;  Zhang W.
Spatiotemporal patterns of the Late Quaternary deformation across the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 194
Lu H.;  Li B.;  Wu D.;  Zhao J.;  Zheng X.;  Xiong J.;  Li Y.
Lagged response of summer precipitation to insolation forcing on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2018-01-01, 50 (2018-09-10
Zhang X.;  Jin L.;  Chen J.;  Lu H.;  Chen F.
Quantitative Holocene climatic reconstructions for the lower Yangtze region of China [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2018-01-01, 50 (2018-03-04
Li J.;  Dodson J.;  Yan H.;  Wang W.;  Innes J.B.;  Zong Y.;  Zhang X.;  Xu Q.;  Ni J.;  Lu F.
Sedimentary evolution during the last ~1.9 Ma near the western margin of the modern Bohai Sea [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016-01-01, 451
Liu J.;  Wang H.;  Wang F.;  Qiu J.;  Saito Y.;  Lu J.;  Zhou L.;  Xu G.;  Du X.;  Chen Q.
An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012-01-01, Volumes 325–326) : Pages 108-115
Zunli Lua;  ;  ;  Rosalind E.M. Rickabyb;  Hilary Kennedyc;  Paul Kennedyc;  Richard D. Pancostd;  Samuel Shawe;  Alistair Lennief;  Julia Wellnerg;  John B. Andersonh
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