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Pleistocene Arctic megafaunal ecological engineering as a natural climate solution? [期刊论文]
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020-01-01, 375 (1794
Macias-Fauria M.;  Jepson P.;  Zimov N.;  Malhi Y.
Imaging spectroscopy reveals the effects of topography and logging on the leaf chemistry of tropical forest canopy trees [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2020-01-01, 26 (2
Swinfield T.;  Both S.;  Riutta T.;  Bongalov B.;  Elias D.;  Majalap-Lee N.;  Ostle N.;  Svátek M.;  Kvasnica J.;  Milodowski D.;  Jucker T.;  Ewers R.M.;  Zhang Y.;  Johnson D.;  Teh Y.A.;  Burslem D.F.R.P.;  Malhi Y.;  Coomes D.
Thinner bark increases sensitivity of wetter Amazonian tropical forests to fire [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (1
Staver A.C.;  Brando P.M.;  Barlow J.;  Morton D.C.;  Paine C.E.T.;  Malhi Y.;  Araujo Murakami A.;  del Aguila Pasquel J.
Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (1
Esquivel-Muelbert A.;  Baker T.R.;  Dexter K.G.;  Lewis S.L.;  Brienen R.J.W.;  Feldpausch T.R.;  Lloyd J.;  Monteagudo-Mendoza A.;  Arroyo L.;  Álvarez-Dávila E.;  Higuchi N.;  Marimon B.S.;  Marimon-Junior B.H.;  Silveira M.;  Vilanova E.;  Gloor E.;  Malhi Y.;  Chave J.;  Barlow J.;  Bonal D.;  Davila Cardozo N.;  Erwin T.;  Fauset S.;  Hérault B.;  Laurance S.;  Poorter L.;  Qie L.;  Stahl C.;  Sullivan M.J.P.;  ter Steege H.;  Vos V.A.;  Zuidema P.A.;  Almeida E.;  Almeida de Oliveira E.;  Andrade A.;  Vieira S.A.;  Aragão L.;  Araujo-Murakami A.;  Arets E.;  Aymard C G.A.;  Baraloto C.;  Camargo P.B.;  Barroso J.G.;  Bongers F.;  Boot R.;  Camargo J.L.;  Castro W.;  Chama Moscoso V.;  Comiskey J.;  Cornejo Valverde F.;  Lola da Costa A.C.;  del Aguila Pasquel J.;  Di Fiore A.;  Fernanda Duque L.;  Elias F.;  Engel J.;  Flores Llampazo G.;  Galbraith D.;  Herrera Fernández R.;  Honorio Coronado E.;  Hubau W.;  Jimenez-Rojas E.;  Lima A.J.N.;  Umetsu R.K.;  Laurance W.;  Lopez-Gonzalez G.;  Lovejoy T.;  Aurelio Melo Cruz O.;  Morandi P.S.;  Neill D.;  Núñez Vargas P.;  Pallqui Camacho N.C.;  Parada Gutierrez A.;  Pardo G.;  Peacock J.;  Peña-Claros M.;  Peñuela-Mora M.C.;  Petronelli P.;  Pickavance G.C.;  Pitman N.;  Prieto A.;  Quesada C.;  Ramírez-Angulo H.;  Réjou-Méchain M.;  Restrepo Correa Z.;  Roopsind A.;  Rudas A.;  Salomão R.;  Silva N.;  Silva Espejo J.;  Singh J.;  Stropp J.;  Terborgh J.;  Thomas R.;  Toledo M.;  Torres-Lezama A.;  Valenzuela Gamarra L.;  van de Meer P.J.;  van der Heijden G.;  van der Hout P.;  Vasquez Martinez R.;  Vela C.;  Vieira I.C.G.;  Phillips O.L.
Drier tropical forests are susceptible to functional changes in response to a long-term drought [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2019-01-01,
Aguirre-Gutiérrez J.;  Oliveras I.;  Rifai S.;  Fauset S.;  Adu-Bredu S.;  Affum-Baffoe K.;  Baker T.R.;  Feldpausch T.R.;  Gvozdevaite A.;  Hubau W.;  Kraft N.J.B.;  Lewis S.L.;  Moore S.;  Niinemets Ü.;  Peprah T.;  Phillips O.L.;  Ziemińska K.;  Enquist B.;  Malhi Y.
Impacts of fire on sources of soil CO2 efflux in a dry Amazon rain forest [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (8
Metcalfe D.B.;  Rocha W.;  Balch J.K.;  Brando P.M.;  Doughty C.E.;  Malhi Y.
Logging disturbance shifts net primary productivity and its allocation in Bornean tropical forests [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (7
Riutta T.;  Malhi Y.;  Kho L.K.;  Marthews T.R.;  Huaraca Huasco W.;  Khoo M.;  Tan S.;  Turner E.;  Reynolds G.;  Both S.;  Burslem D.F.R.P.;  Teh Y.A.;  Vairappan C.S.;  Majalap N.;  Ewers R.M.
Forest biomass, productivity and carbon cycling along a rainfall gradient in West Africa [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (2
Moore S.;  Adu-Bredu S.;  Duah-Gyamfi A.;  Addo-Danso S.D.;  Ibrahim F.;  Mbou A.T.;  de Grandcourt A.;  Valentini R.;  Nicolini G.;  Djagbletey G.;  Owusu-Afriyie K.;  Gvozdevaite A.;  Oliveras I.;  Ruiz-Jaen M.C.;  Malhi Y.
Fire effects and ecological recovery pathways of tropical montane cloud forests along a time chronosequence [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (2
Oliveras I.;  Román-Cuesta R.M.;  Urquiaga-Flores E.;  Quintano Loayza J.A.;  Kala J.;  Huamán V.;  Lizárraga N.;  Sans G.;  Quispe K.;  Lopez E.;  Lopez D.;  Cuba Torres I.;  Enquist B.J.;  Malhi Y.
Forests and Their Canopies: Achievements and Horizons in Canopy Science [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2017-01-01, 32 (6
Nakamura A.;  Kitching R.L.;  Cao M.;  Creedy T.J.;  Fayle T.M.;  Freiberg M.;  Hewitt C.N.;  Itioka T.;  Koh L.P.;  Ma K.;  Malhi Y.;  Mitchell A.;  Novotny V.;  Ozanne C.M.P.;  Song L.;  Wang H.;  Ashton L.A.

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