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Mountain glacier evolution in the Iberian Peninsula during the Younger Dryas [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016-01-01, 138
García-Ruiz J.M.;  Palacios D.;  González-Sampériz P.;  de Andrés N.;  Moreno A.;  Valero-Garcés B.;  Gómez-Villar A.
Palaeoenvironment and dating of the Early Acheulean localities from the Somme River basin (Northern France): New discoveries from the High Terrace at Abbeville-Carrière Carpentier [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016-01-01, 149
Antoine P.;  Moncel M.-H.;  Limondin-Lozouet N.;  Locht J.-L.;  Bahain J.-J.;  Moreno D.;  Voinchet P.;  Auguste P.;  Stoetzel E.;  Dabkowski J.;  Bello S.M.;  Parfitt S.A.;  Tombret O.;  Hardy B.
The Westerly Index as complementary indicator of the North Atlantic oscillation in explaining drought variability across Europe [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2016-01-01, 47 (2017-03-04
Vicente-Serrano S.M.;  García-Herrera R.;  Barriopedro D.;  Azorin-Molina C.;  López-Moreno J.I.;  Martín-Hernández N.;  Tomás-Burguera M.;  Gimeno L.;  Nieto R.
Terrestrial biosphere changes over the last 120 kyr [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2016-01-01, 12 (1
Hoogakker B.A.A.;  Smith R.S.;  Singarayer J.S.;  Marchant R.;  Prentice I.C.;  Allen J.R.M.;  Anderson R.S.;  Bhagwat S.A.;  Behling H.;  Borisova O.;  Bush M.;  Correa-Metrio A.;  De Vernal A.;  Finch J.M.;  Fréchette B.;  Lozano-Garcia S.;  Gosling W.D.;  Granoszewski W.;  Grimm E.C.;  Grüger E.;  Hanselman J.;  Harrison S.P.;  Hill T.R.;  Huntley B.;  Jiménez-Moreno G.;  Kershaw P.;  Ledru M.-P.;  Magri D.;  McKenzie M.;  Müller U.;  Nakagawa T.;  Novenko E.;  Penny D.;  Sadori L.;  Scott L.;  Stevenson J.;  Valdes P.J.;  Vandergoes M.;  Velichko A.;  Whitlock C.;  Tzedakis C.
Modeling the distributed effects of forest thinning on the long-term water balance and streamflow extremes for a semi-arid basin in the southwestern US [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (3
Moreno H;  A;  , Gupta H;  V;  , White D;  D;  , Sampson D;  A
Fractures on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by Rosetta/OSIRIS [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (13
El-Maarry M.R.;  Thomas N.;  Gracia-Berná A.;  Marschall R.;  Auger A.-T.;  Groussin O.;  Mottola S.;  Pajola M.;  Massironi M.;  Marchi S.;  Höfner S.;  Preusker F.;  Scholten F.;  Jorda L.;  Kührt E.;  Keller H.U.;  Sierks H.;  A'Hearn M.F.;  Barbieri C.;  Barucci M.A.;  Bertaux J.-L.;  Bertini I.;  Cremonese G.;  Da Deppo V.;  Davidsson B.;  Debei S.;  De Cecco M.;  Deller J.;  Güttler C.;  Fornasier S.;  Fulle M.;  Gutierrez P.J.;  Hofmann M.;  Hviid S.F.;  Ip W.-H.;  Knollenberg J.;  Koschny D.;  Kovacs G.;  Kramm J.-R.;  Küppers M.;  Lamy P.L.;  Lara L.M.;  Lazzarin M.;  Lopez Moreno J.J.;  Marzari F.;  Michalik H.;  Naletto G.;  Oklay N.;  Pommerol A.;  Rickman H.;  Rodrigo R.;  Tubiana C.;  Vincent J.-B.
Internally generated decadal cold events in the northern North Atlantic and their possible implications for the demise of the Norse settlements in Greenland [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (3
Moreno-Chamarro E.;  Zanchettin D.;  Lohmann K.;  Jungclaus J.H.
Red and far red Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a measure of plant photosynthesis [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (6
Rossini M.;  Nedbal L.;  Guanter L.;  Ač A.;  Alonso L.;  Burkart A.;  Cogliati S.;  Colombo R.;  Damm A.;  Drusch M.;  Hanus J.;  Janoutova R.;  Julitta T.;  Kokkalis P.;  Moreno J.;  Novotny J.;  Panigada C.;  Pinto F.;  Schickling A.;  Schüttemeyer D.;  Zemek F.;  Rascher U.
Streamlined islands and the English Channel megaflood hypothesis [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 135
Collier J.S.;  Oggioni F.;  Gupta S.;  García-Moreno D.;  Trentesaux A.;  De Batist M.
Cenozoic paleogeography of the Andean foreland and retroarc hinterland of Colombia [期刊论文]
AAPG Bulletin, 2015-01-01, 99 (8
Reyes-Harker A.;  Ruiz-Valdivieso C.F.;  Mora A.;  Ramírez-Arias J.C.;  Rodriguez G.;  De La Parra F.;  Caballero V.;  Parra M.;  Moreno N.;  Horton B.K.;  Saylor J.E.;  Silva A.;  Valencia V.;  Stockli D.;  Blanco V.

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