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Adaptation of soil microbial growth to temperature: Using a tropical elevation gradient to predict future changes [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (3
Nottingham A.T.;  Bååth E.;  Reischke S.;  Salinas N.;  Meir P.
Carbon and nitrogen inputs differentially affect priming of soil organic matter in tropical lowland and montane soils [期刊论文]
SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2019-01-01, 129) : 212-222
Hicks, Lettice C.;  Meir, Patrick;  Nottingham, Andrew T.;  Reay, Dave S.;  Stott, Andrew W.;  Salinas, Norma;  Whitaker, Jeanette
Mapping the world's free-flowing rivers [期刊论文]
NATURE, 2019-01-01, 569 (7755) : 215-+
Grill, G.;  Lehner, B.;  Thieme, M.;  Geenen, B.;  Tickner, D.;  Antonelli, F.;  Babu, S.;  Borrelli, P.;  Cheng, L.;  Crochetiere, H.;  Macedo, H. Ehalt;  Filgueiras, R.;  Goichot, M.;  Higgins, J.;  Hogan, Z.;  Lip, B.;  McClain, M. E.;  Meng, J.;  Mulligan, M.;  Nilsson, C.;  Olden, J. D.;  Opperman, J. J.;  Petry, P.;  Liermann, C. Reidy;  Saenz, L.;  Salinas-Rodriguez, S.;  Schelle, P.;  Schmitt, R. J. P.;  Snider, J.;  Tan, F.;  Tockner, K.;  Valdujo, P. H.;  van Soesbergen, A.;  Zarfl, C.
Response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings subjected to artificial infection with the fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea [期刊论文]
PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTER, 2019-01-01, 37 (3) : 214-223
Vornam, Barbara;  Leinemann, Ludger;  Peters, Franziska S.;  Wolff, Alexander;  Leha, Andreas;  Salinas, Gabriela;  Schumacher, Joerg;  Gailing, Oliver