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Range position and climate sensitivity: The structure of among-population demographic responses to climatic variation [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01,
Amburgey S.M.;  Miller D.A.W.;  Campbell Grant E.H.;  Rittenhouse T.A.G.;  Benard M.F.;  Richardson J.L.;  Urban M.C.;  Hughson W.;  Brand A.B.;  Davis C.J.;  Hardin C.R.;  Paton P.W.C.;  Raithel C.J.;  Relyea R.A.;  Scott A.F.;  Skelly D.K.;  Skidds D.E.;  Smith C.K.;  Werner E.E.
Contrasting effects of ocean warming on different components of plant-herbivore interactions [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01,
Pagès J.F.;  Smith T.M.;  Tomas F.;  Sanmartí N.;  Boada J.;  De Bari H.;  Pérez M.;  Romero J.;  Arthur R.;  Alcoverro T.
Enhancing protection for vulnerable waters [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2017-01-01, 10 (11
Creed I.F.;  Lane C.R.;  Serran J.N.;  Alexander L.C.;  Basu N.B.;  Calhoun A.J.K.;  Christensen J.R.;  Cohen M.J.;  Craft C.;  D'Amico E.;  De Keyser E.;  Fowler L.;  Golden H.E.;  Jawitz J.W.;  Kalla P.;  Katherine Kirkman L.;  Lang M.;  Leibowitz S.G.;  Lewis D.B.;  Marton J.;  McLaughlin D.L.;  Raanan-Kiperwas H.;  Rains M.C.;  Rains K.C.;  Smith L.
Combined effects of agrochemicals and ecosystem services on crop yield across Europe [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2017-01-01, 20 (11
Gagic V.;  Kleijn D.;  Báldi A.;  Boros G.;  Jørgensen H.B.;  Elek Z.;  Garratt M.P.D.;  de Groot G.A.;  Hedlund K.;  Kovács-Hostyánszki A.;  Marini L.;  Martin E.;  Pevere I.;  Potts S.G.;  Redlich S.;  Senapathi D.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.;  Świtek S.;  Smith H.G.;  Takács V.;  Tryjanowski P.;  van der Putten W.H.;  van Gils S.;  Bommarco R.
Ecology under lake ice [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2017-01-01, 20 (1
Hampton S.E.;  Galloway A.W.E.;  Powers S.M.;  Ozersky T.;  Woo K.H.;  Batt R.D.;  Labou S.G.;  O'Reilly C.M.;  Sharma S.;  Lottig N.R.;  Stanley E.H.;  North R.L.;  Stockwell J.D.;  Adrian R.;  Weyhenmeyer G.A.;  Arvola L.;  Baulch H.M.;  Bertani I.;  Bowman L.L.;  Jr.;  Carey C.C.;  Catalan J.;  Colom-Montero W.;  Domine L.M.;  Felip M.;  Granados I.;  Gries C.;  Grossart H.-P.;  Haberman J.;  Haldna M.;  Hayden B.;  Higgins S.N.;  Jolley J.C.;  Kahilainen K.K.;  Kaup E.;  Kehoe M.J.;  MacIntyre S.;  Mackay A.W.;  Mariash H.L.;  McKay R.M.;  Nixdorf B.;  N�ges P.;  N�ges T.;  Palmer M.;  Pierson D.C.;  Post D.M.;  Pruett M.J.;  Rautio M.;  Read J.S.;  Roberts S.L.;  R�cker J.;  Sadro S.;  Silow E.A.;  Smith D.E.;  Sterner R.W.;  Swann G.E.A.;  Timofeyev M.A.;  Toro M.;  Twiss M.R.;  Vogt R.J.;  Watson S.B.;  Whiteford E.J.;  Xenopoulos M.A.
Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017-01-01, 114 (50
Smith L.C.;  Yang K.;  Pitcher L.H.;  Overstreet B.T.;  Chu V.W.;  Rennermalm Å.K.;  Ryan J.C.;  Cooper M.G.;  Gleason C.J.;  Tedesco M.;  Jeyaratnam J.;  Van As D.;  Van Den Broeke M.R.;  Van De Berg W.J.;  Noël B.;  Langen P.L.;  Cullather R.I.;  Zhao B.;  Willis M.J.;  Hubbard A.;  Box J.E.;  Jenner B.A.;  Behar A.E.
Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017-01-01, 114 (50
Smith L.C.;  Yang K.;  Pitcher L.H.;  Overstreet B.T.;  Chu V.W.;  Rennermalm Å.K.;  Ryan J.C.;  Cooper M.G.;  Gleason C.J.;  Tedesco M.;  Jeyaratnam J.;  Van As D.;  Van Den Broeke M.R.;  Van De Berg W.J.;  Noël B.;  Langen P.L.;  Cullather R.I.;  Zhao B.;  Willis M.J.;  Hubbard A.;  Box J.E.;  Jenner B.A.;  Behar A.E.