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The regional patterns of the global dynamic and steric sea level variation in twenty-first century projections [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2016-01-01, 146
Li J.;  Tan W.;  Chen M.;  Zuo J.;  Yang Y.
Molluscs for Sale: Assessment of Freshwater Gastropods and Bivalves in the Ornamental Pet Trade [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (8
Ting Hui Ng;  Siong Kiat Tan;  Wing Hing Wong;  Rudolf Meier;  Sow-Yan Chan;  Heok Hui Tan;  Darren C. J. Yeo
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Comparison of soil macro-invertebrate communities in Malaysian oil palm plantations with secondary forest from the viewpoint of litter decomposition [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2016-01-01, 381
Wong M.-K.;  Tsukamoto J.;  Yusuyin Y.;  Tanaka S.;  Iwasaki K.;  Tan N.-P.
Effects of tropical North Atlantic SST on tropical cyclone genesis in the western North Pacific [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2016-01-01, 46 (2017-03-04
Yu J.;  Li T.;  Tan Z.;  Zhu Z.
Effects ofPt0-PtO particle size on 1-butene oxidative dehydrogenation to 1,3-butadiene using CO2 as soft oxidant [期刊论文]
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016-01-01, 15
Yan W.;  Kouk Q.-Y.;  Tan S.X.;  Luo J.;  Liu Y.
Different responses of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea to various El Niño events during boreal autumn [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (3
Tan W.;  Wang X.;  Wang W.;  Wang C.;  Zuo J.
ERA-20C: An atmospheric reanalysis of the twentieth century [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (11
Poli P.;  Hersbach H.;  Dee D.P.;  Berrisford P.;  Simmons A.J.;  Vitart F.;  Laloyaux P.;  Tan D.G.H.;  Peubey C.;  Thépaut J.-N.;  Trémolet Y.;  Hólm E.V.;  Bonavita M.;  Isaksen L.;  Fisher M.
Large-eddy simulation of subtropical cloud-topped boundary layers: 1. A forcing framework with closed surface energy balance [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2016-01-01, 8 (4
Tan Z;  , Schneider T;  , Teixeira J;  , Pressel K;  G
Abnormally high phytoplankton biomass near the lagoon mouth in the Huangyan Atoll, South China Sea [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 112 (2018-01-02
Ke Z.;  Liu H.;  Wang J.;  Liu J.;  Tan Y.
New diagnostic ratios based on phenanthrenes and anthracenes for effective distinguishing heavy fuel oils from crude oils [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 106 (2018-01-02
Zhang H.;  Wang C.;  Zhao R.;  Yin X.;  Zhou H.;  Tan L.;  Wang J.

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