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The Atmospheric Input of Chemicals to the Ocean [研究报告]
WMO. 2012-01-01
World Meteorological Organization;  International Maritime Organization;  Food and Agriculture Organization (Rome, Italia);  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission;  International Atomic En
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A blueprint for ocean and coastal sustainability: an inter-agency paper towards the preparation of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) [研究报告]
UNESCO. 2011-01-01
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission;  Food and Agriculture Organization (Rome, Italia);  United Nations Development Programme;  International Maritime Organization
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Why monitor the Arctic Ocean? Services to society from a sustained ocean observing system [研究报告]
UNESCO. 2010-01-01
Peter Bates;  Keith Alverson;  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission;  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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Ocean fertilization: a scientific summary for policy makers [研究报告]
UNESCO. 2010-01-01
Doug Wallace;  Cliff Law;  Philip W. Boyd;  Yves Collos;  Peter Croot;  Ken Denman;  Phoebe Lam;  Ulf Riebesell;  Shigenobu Takeda;  Phil Williamson;  Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission;  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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