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Heterogeneous N2O5 Uptake During Winter: Aircraft Measurements During the 2015 WINTER Campaign and Critical Evaluation of Current Parameterizations [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (8
McDuffie E.E.;  Fibiger D.L.;  Dubé W.P.;  Lopez-Hilfiker F.;  Lee B.H.;  Thornton J.A.;  Shah V.;  Jaeglé L.;  Guo H.;  Weber R.J.;  Michael Reeves J.;  Weinheimer A.J.;  Schroder J.C.;  Campuzano-Jost P.;  Jimenez J.L.;  Dibb J.E.;  Veres P.;  Ebben C.;  Sparks T.L.;  Wooldridge P.J.;  Cohen R.C.;  Hornbrook R.S.;  Apel E.C.;  Campos T.;  Hall S.R.;  Ullmann K.;  Brown S.S.
Impact of evolving isoprene mechanisms on simulated formaldehyde: An inter-comparison supported by in situ observations from SENEX [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 164
Marvin M;  R;  , Wolfe G;  M;  , Salawitch R;  J;  , Canty T;  P;  , Roberts S;  J;  , Travis K;  R;  , Aikin K;  C;  , de Gouw J;  A;  , Graus M;  , Hanisco T;  F;  , Holloway J;  S;  , Hübler G;  , Kaiser J;  , Keutsch F;  N;  , Peischl J;  , Pollack I;  B;  , Roberts J;  M;  , Ryerson T;  B;  , Veres P;  R;  , Warneke C