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Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) disease diagnosed on a British Columbia salmon farm through a longitudinal farm study [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Emiliano Di Cicco;  Hugh W. Ferguson;  Angela D. Schulze;  Karia H. Kaukinen;  Shaorong Li;  Raphaël Vanderstichel;  Øystein Wessel;  Espen Rimstad;  Ian A. Gardner;  K. Larry Hammell;  Kristina M. Miller
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Determinants of first trimester attendance at antenatal care clinics in the Amazon region of Peru: A case-control study [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Nora Moore;  Brittany Blouin;  Hugo Razuri;  Martin Casapia;  Theresa W. Gyorkos
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Habitat selection by two beluga whale populations in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Donna D. W. Hauser;  Kristin L. Laidre;  Harry L. Stern;  Sue E. Moore;  Robert S. Suydam;  Pierre R. Richard
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A Stable Finite-Difference Scheme for Population Growth and Diffusion on a Map [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (1
W. P. Petersen;  S. Callegari;  G. R. Lake;  N. Tkachenko;  J. D. Weissmann;  Ch. P. E. Zollikofer
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Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): A range-wide synthesis [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Eric T. Hileman;  Richard B. King;  John M. Adamski;  Thomas G. Anton;  Robyn L. Bailey;  Sarah J. Baker;  Nickolas D. Bieser;  Thomas A. Bell Jr;  Kristin M. Bissell;  Danielle R. Bradke;  Henry Campa III;  Gary S. Casper;  Karen Cedar;  Matthew D. Cross;  Brett A. DeGregorio;  Michael J. Dreslik;  Lisa J. Faust;  Daniel S. Harvey;  Robert W. Hay;  Benjamin C. Jellen;  Brent D. Johnson;  Glenn Johnson;  Brooke D. Kiel;  Bruce A. Kingsbury;  Matthew J. Kowalski;  Yu Man Lee;  Andrew M. Lentini;  John C. Marshall;  David Mauger;  Jennifer A. Moore;  Rori A. Paloski;  Christopher A. Phillips;  Paul D. Pratt;  Thomas Preney;  Kent A. Prior;  Andrew Promaine;  Michael Redmer;  Howard K. Reinert;  Jeremy D. Rouse;  Kevin T. Shoemaker;  Scott Sutton;  Terry J. VanDeWalle;  Patrick J. Weatherhead;  Doug Wynn;  Anne Yagi
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Associations between Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Nasal and Sinus, Migraine Headache, and Fatigue Symptoms in Pennsylvania [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2017-01-01, Volume 125 (Issue 2
Aaron W. Tustin;  1 Annemarie G. Hirsch;  2 Sara G. Rasmussen;  1 Joan A. Casey;  3 Karen B;  een-Roche;  4;  Brian S. Schwartz1;  2;  5
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Association of Cardiometabolic Genes with Arsenic Metabolism Biomarkers in American Indian Communities: The Strong Heart Family Study (SHFS) [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2017-01-01, Volume 125 (Issue 1
Poojitha Balakrishnan;  1;  2;  3 Dhananjay Vaidya;  2;  4 Nora Franceschini;  5 V. Saroja Voruganti;  6;  7 Matthew O. Gribble;  8 Karin Haack;  9 S;  ra Laston;  10 Jason G. Umans;  11;  12 Kevin A. Francesconi;  13 Walter Goessler;  13 Kari E. North;  5 Elisa Lee;  14 Joseph Yracheta;  15 Lyle G. Best;  15 Jean W. MacCluer;  9 Jack Kent Jr.;  9 Shelley A. Cole;  9;  Ana Navas-Acien1;  2;  3;  16
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Predicting and mitigating future biodiversity loss using long-term ecological proxies [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2016-09-28, Volume:6) : Pages:909;916 (2016)
Damien A. Fordham;  H. Resit Akç;  akaya;  John Alroy;  Fré;  ;  rik Saltré;  Tom M. L. Wigley;  Barry W. Brook
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Whistler mode waves and Hall fields detected by MMS during a dayside magnetopause crossing [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (12
Contel O.L.;  Retinò A.;  Breuillard H.;  Mirioni L.;  Robert P.;  Chasapis A.;  Lavraud B.;  Chust T.;  Rezeau L.;  Wilder F.D.;  Graham D.B.;  Argall M.R.;  Gershman D.J.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Khotyaintsev Y.V.;  Marklund G.;  Ergun R.E.;  Goodrich K.A.;  Burch J.L.;  Torbert R.B.;  Needell J.;  Chutter M.;  Rau D.;  Dors I.;  Russell C.T.;  Magnes W.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Bromund K.R.;  Leinweber H.K.;  Plaschke F.;  Fischer D.;  Anderson B.J.;  Le G.;  Moore T.E.;  Pollock C.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Avanov L.;  Saito Y.
Strong enhancement of 10–100 keV electron fluxes by combined effects of chorus waves and time domain structures [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (10
Ma Q.;  Mourenas D.;  Artemyev A.;  Li W.;  Thorne R.M.;  Bortnik J.

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