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Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2015-01-01, 30 (10
Mills J.A.;  Teplitsky C.;  Arroyo B.;  Charmantier A.;  Becker P.H.;  Birkhead T.R.;  Bize P.;  Blumstein D.T.;  Bonenfant C.;  Boutin S.;  Bushuev A.;  Cam E.;  Cockburn A.;  Côté S.D.;  Coulson J.C.;  Daunt F.;  Dingemanse N.J.;  Doligez B.;  Drummond H.;  Espie R.H.M.;  Festa-Bianchet M.;  Frentiu F.;  Fitzpatrick J.W.;  Furness R.W.;  Garant D.;  Gauthier G.;  Grant P.R.;  Griesser M.;  Gustafsson L.;  Hansson B.;  Harris M.P.;  Jiguet F.;  Kjellander P.;  Korpimäki E.;  Krebs C.J.;  Lens L.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  Low M.;  McAdam A.;  Margalida A.;  Merilä J.;  Møller A.P.;  Nakagawa S.;  Nilsson J.-Å.;  Nisbet I.C.T.;  van Noordwijk A.J.;  Oro D.;  Pärt T.;  Pelletier F.;  Potti J.;  Pujol B.;  Réale D.;  Rockwell R.F.;  Ropert-Coudert Y.;  Roulin A.;  Sedinger J.S.;  Swenson J.E.;  Thébaud C.;  Visser M.E.;  Wanless S.;  Westneat D.F.;  Wilson A.J.;  Zedrosser A.
Effects of sea temperature and stratification changes on seabird breeding success [期刊论文]
Climate Research, 2015-01-01, 66 (1
Carroll M.J.;  Butler A.;  Owen E.;  Ewing S.R.;  Cole T.;  Green J.A.;  Soanes L.M.;  Arnould J.P.Y.;  Newton S.F.;  Baer J.;  Daunt F.;  Wanless S.;  Newell M.A.;  Robertson G.S.;  Mavor R.A.;  Bolton M.