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Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance of Lower Cretaceous sediments: Constraints for the northwestern Sichuan pro-foreland basin [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016-01-01, 453
Li Y.;  He D.;  Li D.;  Wen Z.;  Mei Q.;  Li C.;  Sun Y.
Relative importance of tropical SST anomalies in maintaining the Western North Pacific anomalous anticyclone during El Niño to La Niña transition years [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2016-01-01, 46 (2017-03-04
Chen Z.;  Wen Z.;  Wu R.;  Lin X.;  Wang J.
The mechanism of growth of the low-frequency East Asia–Pacific teleconnection and the triggering role of tropical intraseasonal oscillation [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2016-01-01, 46 (2017-11-12
Wang J.;  Wen Z.;  Wu R.;  Guo Y.;  Chen Z.
Interdecadal change in the tropical pacific precipitation anomaly pattern around the late 1990s during boreal spring [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (16
Guo Y.;  Wen Z.;  Wu R.
Evolution of the circulation anomalies and the quasi-biweekly oscillations associated with extreme heat events in Southern China [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (19
Chen R.;  Wen Z.;  Lu R.
Climate system responses to a common emission budget of carbon dioxide [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (7
Tian D.;  Dong W.;  Yan X.;  Chou J.;  Yang S.;  Wei T.;  Zhang H.;  Guo Y.;  Wen X.;  Yang Z.
Modeling precipitation δ18O variability in East Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum: Temperature and amount effects across different timescales [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2016-01-01, 12 (11
Wen X.;  Liu Z.;  Chen Z.;  Brady E.;  Noone D.;  Zhu Q.;  Guan J.
Timing and nature of the Xinlin–Xiguitu Ocean: constraints from ophiolitic gabbros in the northern Great Xing’an Range, eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016-01-01, 105 (2
Feng Z.;  Liu Y.;  Liu B.;  Wen Q.;  Li W.;  Liu Q.
Influence of environmental factors on spectral characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in Inner Mongolia Plateau, China [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (2
Wen Z;  D;  , Song K;  S;  , Zhao Y;  , Du J;  , Ma J;  H
The Kuqa late Cenozoic fold–thrust belt on the southern flank of the Tian Shan Mountains [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016-01-01, 105 (5
Li Y.-J.;  Wen L.;  Zhang H.-A.;  Huang T.-Z.;  Li H.-L.;  Shi Y.-Y.;  Meng Q.-L.;  Peng G.-X.;  Huang S.-Y.;  Zhang Q.
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