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Surface acoustic wave-based ultraviolet photodetectors: a review [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2020-01-01, 65 (7
Zhang Y.;  Cai Y.;  Zhou J.;  Xie Y.;  Xu Q.;  Zou Y.;  Guo S.;  Xu H.;  Sun C.;  Liu S.
Long-term summer warming trend during the Holocene in central Asia indicated by alpine peat α-cellulose δ 13 C record [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 203
Rao Z.;  Huang C.;  Xie L.;  Shi F.;  Zhao Y.;  Cao J.;  Gou X.;  Chen J.;  Chen F.
Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen discharge on dissolved inorganic nitrogen transport in global rivers [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (4
Liu S.;  Xie Z.;  Zeng Y.;  Liu B.;  Li R.;  Wang Y.;  Wang L.;  Qin P.;  Jia B.;  Xie J.
Stoichiometric mechanisms of regime shifts in freshwater ecosystem [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Su H.;  Wu Y.;  Xia W.;  Yang L.;  Chen J.;  Han W.;  Fang J.;  Xie P.
Enhanced degradation of organic contaminants by zero-valent iron/sulfite process under simulated sunlight irradiation [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Xie P.;  Zhang L.;  Chen J.;  Ding J.;  Wan Y.;  Wang S.;  Wang Z.;  Zhou A.;  Ma J.
Assessment of extreme precipitation events and their teleconnections to El Niño Southern Oscillation, a case study in the Wei River Basin of China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 218
Jiang R.;  Wang Y.;  Xie J.;  Zhao Y.;  Li F.;  Wang X.
An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2019-01-01, 52 (2019-03-04
Uotila P.;  Goosse H.;  Haines K.;  Chevallier M.;  Barthélemy A.;  Bricaud C.;  Carton J.;  Fučkar N.;  Garric G.;  Iovino D.;  Kauker F.;  Korhonen M.;  Lien V.S.;  Marnela M.;  Massonnet F.;  Mignac D.;  Peterson K.A.;  Sadikni R.;  Shi L.;  Tietsche S.;  Toyoda T.;  Xie J.;  Zhang Z.
The Pacific Meridional Mode over the last millennium [期刊论文]
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019-01-01, 53 (5-6) : 3547-3560
Sanchez, Sara C.;  Amaya, Dillon J.;  Miller, Arthur J.;  Xie, Shang-Ping;  Charles, Christopher D.
A research roadmap for quantifying non-state and subnational climate mitigation action [期刊论文]
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2019-01-01, 9 (1) : 11-+
Hsu, Angel;  Hoehne, Niklas;  Kuramochi, Takeshi;  Roelfsema, Mark;  Weinfurter, Amy;  Xie, Yihao;  Luetkehermoeller, Katharina;  Chan, Sander;  Corfee-Morlot, Jan;  Drost, Philip;  Faria, Pedro;  Gardiner, Ann;  Gordon, David J.;  Hale, Thomas;  Hultman, Nathan E.;  Moorhead, John;  Reuvers, Shirin;  Setzer, Joana;  Singh, Neelam;  Weber, Christopher;  Widerberg, Oscar
Physiological, biochemical and histopathological changes associated with heatstroke in the galah (Eolophus roseicapilla) and rock dove (Columba livia) [期刊论文]
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 48 (1) : 57-72
Xie, Shangzhe;  Nicholson, Anthony;  Woolford, Lucy;  McWhorter, Todd J.

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