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Differences in production, carbon stocks and biodiversity outcomes of land tenure regimes in the Argentine Dry Chaco [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (4
Sofía Marinaro;  H Ricardo Grau;  Néstor Ignacio Gasparri;  Tobias Kuemmerle;  Matthias Baumann
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Benchmarking carbon fluxes of the ISIMIP2a biome models [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (4
Jinfeng Chang;  Philippe Ciais;  Xuhui Wang;  Shilong Piao;  Ghassem Asrar;  Richard Betts;  Frédéric Chevallier;  Marie Dury;  Louis François;  Katja Frieler;  Anselmo García Cantú Ros;  Alexandra-Jane Henrot;  Thomas Hickler;  Akihiko Ito;  Catherine Morfopoulos;  Guy Munhoven;  Kazuya Nishina;  Sebastian Ostberg;  Shufen Pan;  Shushi Peng;  Rashid Rafique;  Christopher Reyer;  Christian Rödenbeck;  Sibyll Schaphoff;  Jörg Steinkamp;  Hanqin Tian;  Nicolas Viovy;  Jia Yang;  Ning Zeng;  Fang Zhao
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Assessing climate change impacts, benefits of mitigation, and uncertainties on major global forest regions under multiple socioeconomic and emissions scenarios [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (4
John B Kim;  Erwan Monier;  Brent Sohngen;  G Stephen Pitts;  Ray Drapek;  James McFarland;  Sara Ohrel;  Jefferson Cole
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Can economic incentives enhance adoption and use of a household energy technology? Evidence from a pilot study in Cambodia [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (3
Faraz Usmani;  Jason Steele;  Marc Jeuland
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Fast growing research on negative emissions [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (3
Jan C Minx;  William F Lamb;  Max W Callaghan;  Lutz Bornmann;  Sabine Fuss
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Fire disturbance and climate change: implications for Russian forests [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (3
Jacquelyn K Shuman;  Adrianna C Foster;  Herman H Shugart;  Amanda Hoffman-Hall;  Alexander Krylov;  Tatiana Loboda;  Dmitry Ershov;  Elena Sochilova
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Global negative emissions capacity of ocean macronutrient fertilization [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (3
Daniel P Harrison
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The effect of climate–carbon cycle feedbacks on emission metrics [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (3
Erik O Sterner;  Daniel J A Johansson
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Shifts in biomass and productivity for a subtropical dry forest in response to simulated elevated hurricane disturbances [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Jennifer A Holm;  Skip J Van Bloem;  Guy R Larocque;  Herman H Shugart
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Forest carbon emissions from cropland expansion in the Brazilian Cerrado biome [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Praveen Noojipady;  C Douglas Morton;  N Marcia Macedo;  C Daniel Victoria;  Chengquan Huang;  K Holly Gibbs;  L Edson Bolfe
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