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How do forest fires affect soil greenhouse gas emissions in upland boreal forests? A review [期刊论文]
Environmental Research, 2020-01-01, 184
Ribeiro-Kumara C.;  Köster E.;  Aaltonen H.;  Köster K.
Deforestation for oil palm: impact on microbially mediated methane and nitrous oxide emissions, and soil bacterial communities [期刊论文]
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2020-01-01, 56 (3
Kaupper T.;  Hetz S.;  Kolb S.;  Yoon S.;  Horn M.A.;  Ho A.
The sustainability of a sugarcane plantation in Brazil assessed by the eddy covariance fluxes of greenhouse gases [期刊论文]
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020-01-01, 282-283
Cabral O.M.R.;  Freitas H.C.;  Cuadra S.V.;  de Andrade C.A.;  Ramos N.P.;  Grutzmacher P.;  Galdos M.;  Packer A.P.C.;  da Rocha H.R.;  Rossi P.
Global warming potential and absolute global temperature change potential from carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as indicators of regional sustainability – A case study of Jämtland, Sweden [期刊论文]
Ecological Indicators, 2020-01-01, 110
Skytt T.;  Nielsen S.N.;  Jonsson B.-G.
Gap-filling approaches for eddy covariance methane fluxes: A comparison of three machine learning algorithms and a traditional method with principal component analysis [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2020-01-01, 26 (3
Kim Y.;  Johnson M.S.;  Knox S.H.;  Black T.A.;  Dalmagro H.J.;  Kang M.;  Kim J.;  Baldocchi D.
Legacy Effects of Eutrophication on Modern Methane Dynamics in a Boreal Estuary [期刊论文]
Estuaries and Coasts, 2020-01-01, 43 (2
Myllykangas J.-P.;  Hietanen S.;  Jilbert T.
Using radon to quantify groundwater discharge and methane fluxes to a shallow, tundra lake on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2020-01-01, 148 (1
Dabrowski J.S.;  Charette M.A.;  Mann P.J.;  Ludwig S.M.;  Natali S.M.;  Holmes R.M.;  Schade J.D.;  Powell M.;  Henderson P.B.
Methylobacter accounts for strong aerobic methane oxidation in the Yellow River Delta with characteristics of a methane sink during the dry season [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 704
Hao Q.;  Liu F.;  Zhang Y.;  Wang O.;  Xiao L.
Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of global methane and temperature [期刊论文]
Remote Sensing, 2020-01-01, 12 (3
Tzanis C.G.;  Koutsogiannis I.;  Philippopoulos K.;  Kalamaras N.
Country-scale analysis of methane emissions with a high-resolution inverse model using GOSAT and surface observations [期刊论文]
Remote Sensing, 2020-01-01, 12 (3
Janardanan R.;  Maksyutov S.;  Tsuruta A.;  Wang F.;  Tiwari Y.K.;  Valsala V.;  Ito A.;  Yoshida Y.;  Kaiser J.W.;  Janssens-Maenhout G.;  Arshinov M.;  Sasakawa M.;  Tohjima Y.;  Worthy D.E.J.;  Dlugokencky E.J.;  Ramonet M.;  Arduini J.;  Lavric J.V.;  Piacentino S.;  Krummel P.B.;  Langenfelds R.L.;  Mammarella I.;  Matsunaga T.

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