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Thermodynamic and dynamic controls on changes in the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (9
Wills R.C.;  Byrne M.P.;  Schneider T.
Old soil carbon losses increase with ecosystem respiration in experimentally thawed tundra [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2015-10-26, Volume:6) : Pages:214;218 (2016)
Caitlin ;  E. Hicks Pries
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Cooling of US Midwest summer temperature extremes from cropland intensification [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2015-10-12, Volume:6) : Pages:317;322 (2016)
Nathaniel D. Mueller
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Influence of climate science on financial decisions [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2015-01-28, Volume:5) : Pages:84;85 (2015)
Christa S. Clapp
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Temperature and precipitation changes over the Loess Plateau between 1961 and 2011, based on high-density gauge observations [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 132
Sun Q.;  Miao C.;  Duan Q.;  Wang Y.
Arctic amplification decreases temperature variance in northern mid- to high-latitudes [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2014-06-15, Volume:4) : Pages:577;582 (2014)
James A. Screen
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Recent glacier retreat and climate trends in Cordillera Huaytapallana, Peru [期刊论文]
2014-01-01, 112
López-Moreno J.I.;  Fontaneda S.;  Bazo J.;  Revuelto J.;  Azorin-Molina C.;  Valero-Garcés B.;  Morán-Tejeda E.;  Vicente-Serrano S.M.;  Zubieta R.;  Alejo-Cochachín J.
Climate change impacts on global agricultural water deficit [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013-01-01, 40 (6
Zhang X.;  Cai X.
Influence of the intensification of the major oceanic moisture sources on continental precipitation [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013-01-01, 40 (7
Gimeno L.;  Nieto R.;  Drumond A.;  Castillo R.;  Trigo R.
The impacts of climate change on crops in China: A Ricardian analysis [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2013-01-01, 104
Chen Y.;  Wu Z.;  Okamoto K.;  Han X.;  Ma G.;  Chien H.;  Zhao J.

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