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Assessing sulfur redox state and distribution in abyssal serpentinites using XANES spectroscopy [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017-01-01, Volume 466) : Pages 1-11
Baptiste Debreta;  ;  ;  Muriel Andreanib;  Adé;  lie Delacourc;  Sté;  phane Roumé;  jond;  Nicolas Trcerae;  
  • Rainstorms raise airborne dust problem [新闻]
    Evidence from MESSENGER for sulfur- and carbon-driven explosive volcanism on Mercury [期刊论文]
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (8
    Weider S.Z.;  Nittler L.R.;  Murchie S.L.;  Peplowski P.N.;  McCoy T.J.;  Kerber L.;  Klimczak C.;  Ernst C.M.;  Goudge T.A.;  Starr R.D.;  Izenberg N.R.;  Klima R.L.;  Solomon S.C.
    Spectroscopic Evidence of the Improvement of Reactive Iron Mineral Content in Red Soil by Long-Term Application of Swine Manure [期刊论文]
    PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (1
    Chichao Huang;  Sha Liu;  Ruizhi Li;  Fusheng Sun;  Ying Zhou;  Guanghui Yu
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    The impact of degassing on the oxidation state of basaltic magmas: A case study of Kīlauea volcano [期刊论文]
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016-01-01, Volume 450) : Pages 317-325
    Yves Moussallama;  ;  ;  Marie Edmondsb;  Bruno Scailletc;  Nial Petersd;  Emanuela Gennaroc;  Issy Sidesb;  Clive Oppenheimerd
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    基于X射线荧光成像技术研究海洋微藻对重金属吸收的机理 [项目]
    Final Report: Molecular mechanisms and kinetics of microbial anaerobic nitrate-dependent U(IV) and Fe(II) oxidation [研究报告]
    O'Day, Peggy A.;  Asta, Maria P.;  Kanematsu, Masakazu;  Beller, Harry;  Zhou, Peng;  Steefel, Carl
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    Biosorption and Biomineralization of U(VI) by the Marine Bacterium Idiomarina loihiensis MAH1: Effect of Background Electrolyte and pH [期刊论文]
    PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (3
    Fernando Morcillo;  María T. González-Muñoz;  Thomas Reitz;  María E. Romero-González;  José M. Arias;  Mohamed L. Merroun
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    Selective Divalent Cobalt Ions Detection Using Ag2O3-ZnO Nanocones by ICP-OES Method for Environmental Remediation [期刊论文]
    PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (12
    Mohammed M. Rahman;  Sher Bahadar Khan;  Hadi M. Marwani;  Abdullah M. Asiri
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    DOE/SC0001389 Final technical report: Investigation of uranium attenuation and release at column and pore scales in response to advective geochemical gradients [研究报告]
    Savage, Kaye S. [Wofford College];  Zhu, Wenyi [Wofford College];  Barnett, Mark O. [Auburn University]
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