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Dual structure of poloidal and toroidal flow under the Cocos subduction zone [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 565
Peng C.-C.;  Kuo B.-Y.;  Tan E.
Mantle flow entrained by the Hindu Kush continental subduction inferred from source-side seismic anisotropy [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 530
Peng C.-C.;  Kuo B.-Y.;  Faccenda M.;  Chiao L.-Y.
Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene [期刊论文]
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019-01-01, 3 (9) : 1341-1350
Darling, Emily S.;  McClanahan, Tim R.;  Maina, Joseph;  Gurney, Georgina G.;  Graham, Nicholas A. J.;  Januchowski-Hartley, Fraser;  Cinner, Joshua E.;  Mora, Camilo;  Hicks, Christina C.;  Maire, Eva;  Puotinen, Marji;  Skirving, William J.;  Adjeroud, Mehdi;  Ahmadia, Gabby;  Arthur, Rohan;  Bauman, Andrew G.;  Beger, Maria;  Berumen, Michael L.;  Bigot, Lionel;  Bouwmeester, Jessica;  Brenier, Ambroise;  Bridge, Tom C. L.;  Brown, Eric;  Campbell, Stuart J.;  Cannon, Sara;  Cauvin, Bruce;  Chen, Chaolun Allen;  Claudet, Joachim;  Denis, Vianney;  Donner, Simon;  Estradivari;  Fadli, Nur;  Feary, David A.;  Fenner, Douglas;  Fox, Helen;  Franklin, Erik C.;  Friedlander, Alan;  Gilmour, James;  Goiran, Claire;  Guest, James;  Hobbs, Jean-Paul A.;  Hoey, Andrew S.;  Houk, Peter;  Johnson, Steven;  Jupiter, Stacy D.;  Kayal, Mohsen;  Kuo, Chao-Yang;  Lamb, Joleah;  Lee, Michelle A. C.;  Low, Jeffrey;  Muthiga, Nyawira;  Muttaqin, Efin;  Nand, Yashika;  Nash, Kirsty L.;  Nedlic, Osamu;  Pandolfi, John M.;  Pardede, Shinta;  Patankar, Vardhan;  Penin, Lucie;  Ribas-Deulofeu, Lauriane;  Richards, Zoe;  Roberts, T. Edward;  Rodgers, Ku';  ulei S.;  Safuan, Che Din Mohd;  Sala, Enric;  Shedrawi, George;  Sin, Tsai Min;  Smallhorn-West, Patrick;  Smith, Jennifer E.;  Sommer, Brigitte;  Steinberg, Peter D.;  Sutthacheep, Makamas;  Tan, Chun Hong James;  Williams, Gareth J.;  Wilson, Shaun;  Yeemin, Thamasak;  Bruno, John F.;  Fortin, Marie-Josee;  Krkosek, Martin;  Mouillot, David
Improved representation of surface spectral emissivity in a global climate model and its impact on simulated climate [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (9
Huang X.;  Chen X.;  Flanner M.;  Yang P.;  Feldman D.;  Kuo C.
Sorption of organic compounds to two diesel soot black carbons in water evaluated by liquid chromatography and polyparameter linear solvation energy relationship [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 144
Su P.-H.;  Kuo D.T.F.;  Shih Y.-H.;  Chen C.-Y.
ISUAL-Observed Blue Luminous Events: The Associated Sferics [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (4
Chou J.-K.;  Hsu R.-R.;  Su H.-T.;  Chen A.B.-C.;  Kuo C.-L.;  Huang S.-M.;  Chang S.-C.;  Peng K.-M.;  Wu Y.-J.
Time-Dependent Cryospheric Longwave Surface Emissivity Feedback in the Community Earth System Model [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (2
Kuo C.;  Feldman D.R.;  Huang X.;  Flanner M.;  Yang P.;  Chen X.
Estimation of precipitation and air temperature over western Canada using a regional climate model [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2018-01-01, 38 (14
Kuo C.-C.;  Gan T.Y.
Quantifying flow and stress in ice mélange; the world’s largest granular material [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018-01-01, 115 (20
Burton J.C.;  Amundson J.M.;  Cassotto R.;  Kuo C.-C.;  Dennin M.
Quantifying flow and stress in ice mélange; the world’s largest granular material [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018-01-01, 115 (20
Burton J.C.;  Amundson J.M.;  Cassotto R.;  Kuo C.-C.;  Dennin M.

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