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Identifying regional drivers of future land-based biodiversity footprints [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 69
Marquardt S.G.;  Doelman J.C.;  Daioglou V.;  Tabeau A.;  Schipper A.M.;  Sim S.;  Kulak M.;  Steinmann Z.J.N.;  Stehfest E.;  Wilting H.C.;  Huijbregts M.A.J.
A comprehensive planetary boundary-based method for the nitrogen cycle in life cycle assessment: Development and application to a tomato production case study [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 715
Bjørn A.;  Sim S.;  King H.;  Margni M.;  Henderson A.D.;  Payen S.;  Bulle C.
Two trillion gallons: Fuel savings from fuel economy improvements to US light-duty vehicles, 1975–2018 [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 142
Greene D.L.;  Sims C.B.;  Muratori M.
Comparative study of six emergent macrophyte species for controlling cyanobacterial blooms in a tropical reservoir [期刊论文]
ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 2019-01-01, 129) : 11-21
Mowe, Maxine A. D.;  Song, Yiluan;  Sim, Darren Z. H.;  Lu, Joy;  Mitrovic, Simon M.;  Tan, Hugh T. W.;  Yeo, Darren C. J.
The effects of ambient temperatures on the risk of work-related injuries and illnesses: Evidence from Adelaide, Australia 2003-2013 [期刊论文]
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 170) : 101-109
Varghese, Blesson M.;  Barnett, Adrian G.;  Hansen, Alana L.;  Bi, Peng;  Hanson-Easey, Scott;  Heyworth, Jane S.;  Sim, Malcolm R.;  Pisaniello, Dino L.
Effects of macrophytes on lake-water quality across latitudes: a meta-analysis [期刊论文]
OIKOS, 2019-01-01, 128 (4) : 468-481
Song, Yiluan;  Liew, Jia Huan;  Sim, Darren Z. H.;  Mowe, Maxine A. D.;  Mitrovic, Simon M.;  Tan, Hugh T. W.;  Yeo, Darren C. J.
Vikings, peat formation and settlement abandonment: A multi-method chronological approach from Shetland [期刊论文]
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019-01-01, 210) : 211-225
Swindles, Graeme T.;  Outram, Zoe;  Batt, Catherine M.;  Hamilton, W. Derek;  Church, Mike J.;  Bond, Julie M.;  Watson, Elizabeth J.;  Cook, Gordon T.;  Sim, Thomas G.;  Newton, Anthony J.;  Dugmore, Andrew J.
Pathways for Ecological Change in Canadian High Arctic Wetlands Under Rapid Twentieth Century Warming [期刊论文]
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2019-01-01, 46 (9) : 4726-4737
Sim, T. G.;  Swindles, G. T.;  Morris, P. J.;  Galka, M.;  Mullan, D.;  Galloway, J. M.
Impacts of consecutive bleaching events and local algal abundance on transplanted coral colonies in the Florida Keys [期刊论文]
CORAL REEFS, 2019-01-01, 38 (4) : 851-861
Smith, Kylie M.;  Payton, Tokea G.;  Sims, Randi J.;  Stroud, Caroline S.;  Jeanes, Reanna C.;  Hyatt, Taylor B.;  Childress, Michael J.
Refugia under threat: Mass bleaching of coral assemblages in high-latitude eastern Australia [期刊论文]
Kim, Sun W.;  Sampayo, Eugenia M.;  Sommer, Brigitte;  Sims, Carrie A.;  Gomez-Cabrera, Maria del C.;  Dalton, Steve J.;  Beger, Maria;  Malcolm, Hamish A.;  Ferrari, Renata;  Fraser, Nicola;  Figueira, Will F.;  Smith, Stephen D. A.;  Heron, Scott F.;  Baird, Andrew H.;  Byrne, Maria;  Eakin, C. Mark;  Edgar, Robert;  Hughes, Terry P.;  Kyriacou, Nicole;  Liu, Gang;  Matis, Paloma A.;  Skirving, William J.;  Pandolfi, John M.

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