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Spatio-temporal variability of dry and wet conditions over East Africa from 1982 to 2015 using quantile regression model [期刊论文]
Natural Hazards, 2021-01-01, 106 (3
Kalisa W.;  Igbawua T.;  Ujoh F.;  Aondoakaa I.S.;  Namugize J.N.;  Zhang J.
Frictional properties of basalt experimental faults and implications for volcano-tectonic settings and geo-energy sites [期刊论文]
Tectonophysics, 2021-01-01, 811
Giacomel P.;  Ruggieri R.;  Scuderi M.M.;  Spagnuolo E.;  Di Toro G.;  Collettini C.
Forecasting PM10 and PM2.5 in the Aburrá Valley (Medellín, Colombia) via EnKF based data assimilation [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Lopez-Restrepo S.;  Yarce A.;  Pinel N.;  Quintero O.L.;  Segers A.;  Heemink A.W.
Analysis of the atmospheric dust in Africa: The breathable dust's fine particulate matter PM2.5 in correlation with carbon monoxide [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 224
Rushingabigwi G.;  Nsengiyumva P.;  Sibomana L.;  Twizere C.;  Kalisa W.
Nitrogen and sulfur deposition over a region in SW Europe based on a regional atmospheric chemical transport model [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Oliveira M.A.;  Tomlinson S.J.;  Carnell E.J.;  Dore A.J.;  Serrano H.C.;  Vieno M.;  Cordovil C.M.D.S.;  Dragosits U.;  Sutton M.A.;  Branquinho C.;  Pinho P.
The present-day atmospheric dust deposition process in the South China Sea [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Du S.;  Xiang R.;  Liu J.;  Liu J.P.;  Islam G.M.A.;  Chen M.
Forecasting PM10 and PM2.5 in the Aburrá Valley (Medellín, Colombia) via EnKF based data assimilation [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Lopez-Restrepo S.;  Yarce A.;  Pinel N.;  Quintero O.L.;  Segers A.;  Heemink A.W.
Analysis of the atmospheric dust in Africa: The breathable dust's fine particulate matter PM2.5 in correlation with carbon monoxide [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 224
Rushingabigwi G.;  Nsengiyumva P.;  Sibomana L.;  Twizere C.;  Kalisa W.
Nitrogen and sulfur deposition over a region in SW Europe based on a regional atmospheric chemical transport model [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Oliveira M.A.;  Tomlinson S.J.;  Carnell E.J.;  Dore A.J.;  Serrano H.C.;  Vieno M.;  Cordovil C.M.D.S.;  Dragosits U.;  Sutton M.A.;  Branquinho C.;  Pinho P.
The present-day atmospheric dust deposition process in the South China Sea [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Du S.;  Xiang R.;  Liu J.;  Liu J.P.;  Islam G.M.A.;  Chen M.

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