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Sustainable Asia 2005 and Beyond: In the pursuit of innovative policy [专著]
:Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2005-01-01
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
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Material Concerns: Pollution, profit and quality of life [专著]
:Routledge, 1996-01-01
Jackson, T.
The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today? [专著]
London, UK:Earthscan, 1996-01-01
Lutz, W.
Adobe PDF(9649Kb)  |  View/Download:183/155
Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control [专著]
Dordrecht, Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994-01-01
Klaassen, G.;  Forsund, F.R.
Adobe PDF(8517Kb)  |  View/Download:110/98
Rural Electrification in Tanzania: Past Experiences - New Approaches [专著]
, 1992-01-01
Kjellström, B.;  Katyega, M.;  Kadete, H.;  Noppen, D.
Adobe PDF(8876Kb)  |  View/Download:67/25

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