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IMOG 2017
主办者: European Association of Organic Geochemists
举办年: 2017
会议日期: 2017-9-17/2017-9-21
会议地点: Florence, Italy
国家: 意大利
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Chemistry ; Earth Science ; Engineering
英文关键词: Organic Chemistry ; Geochemistry ; Geochemistry ; Environmental Science ; Environmental Engineering ; Engineering ; Process Engineering ; Petroleum Engineering
英文简介: The 28th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2017) will be held in Florence (Italy), during September 17-22, 2017. For the first time the conference will be organized by the European Association of Organic Geochemists in cooperation with the House of Geoscience (HOG). IMOG 2017, the official biennial conference of the European Association of Organic Geochemists (EAOG) is the largest meeting on Organic Geochemistry. The EAOG (founded in 1983) has over 450 members from all around the world and seeks to promote organic geochemistry in its broadest sense. The guiding principle of the IMOG meetings is to encourage presentation, communication and discussion of research results carried out in academia and industry in the fields of Organic Geochemistry with topics ranging from Biogeochemistry to Petroleum Geochemistry. A scientific programme will be designed to fulfil this goal, with an outstanding collection of oral and poster presentations to cover the diverse aspects of organic geochemistry research, its application and integration into studies highly relevant for the advance of the science and industrial applications. The Conference will be held in the “Palazzo dei Congressi”, located inside the 18th century Villa Vittoria, which is completely accessible on foot, in the heart of the city. We are expecting more than 500 participants from all over the world with dozens of oral presentations and up to 500 poster presentations. In addition a number of specific workshops and an exhibition are also being organized to facilitate knowledge transfer and business among the geochemical community. On behalf of the Organizing committee and the EAOG Board, we thank you all for your continuous commitment with the IMOG meetings. Hope to see you in Florence in 2017!
资源类型: 会议
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Recommended Citation:
. IMOG 2017. 2017-01-01.
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