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2-day Comprehensive GC-MS Software Training (Agilent MSD Chemstation)
主办者: Anthias Consultancy Ltd
举办年: 2017
会议日期: 2017-6-28/2017-6-29
会议地点: Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
国家: 英国
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Chemistry ; Earth Science ; Life Science ; Health Science ; Physics
英文关键词: Analytical Chemistry ; Biochemistry ; Electrochemistry ; Geochemistry ; Geochemistry ; Soil Science ; Meteorology ; Environmental Science ; Atmospheric Science ; Molecular Biology ; Biochemistry ; Food Science ; Environmental Chemistry ; Nuclear Chemistry ; Chemistry ; Earth Science ; Oceanography ; Toxicology ; Biotechnology ; Toxicology ; Biogeochemistry ; Biogeochemistry ; Pharmacology ; Planetary Science ; Chemical Biology ; Chemical Biology ; Forensic & Legal Medicine ; Pediatrics & Neonatology ; Urology / Men's Health ; Chromatography ; Spectroscopy ; Cosmology ; Toxicology
英文简介: Important dates: Early bird registration 5 April 2017 Standard registration 31 May 2017 Course accreditation This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry for purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). What will you learn on this course? The two-day Comprehensive GC-MS Software Training course introduces the Agilent MSD Chemstation software for both instrument acquisition and data analysis. The course covers PC and data system installation, set-up and maintenance; an overview of MSDChemstation software; tuning methods; creating scan and SIM methods; sequences; qualitative and quantitative data analysis; reports; and an introduction to macros and retention time locking. It combines a mixture of classroom based presentations with hands-on software lab exercises, to give you comprehensive training. Learning Outcomes You will learn the operation of the MSD ChemStation software You will learn installation, set-up and have an overview of the software You will learn about the types of tuning methods, undertake air/water checks & an autotune then interpret the results You will learn how to create a full scan and SIM method to gain an understanding of each method type You will analyse individual samples and create sequences for analysing multiple samples You will undertake qualitative data analysis including library searching You will undertake quantitative data analysis creating calibration curves and producing appropriate sample reports You will have an introduction to macros and learn retention time locking Who is this course for? This course is primarily for analysts and technicians responsible for the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of Agilent GC-MS instruments using the MSD Chemstation software.
资源类型: 会议
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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. 2-day Comprehensive GC-MS Software Training (Agilent MSD Chemstation). 2017-01-01.
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