globalchange  > 过去全球变化的重建
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.002
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-84992220771
Baseline survey of sediments and marine organisms in Liaohe Estuary: Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides
作者: Li H.; Ye S.; Ye J.; Fan J.; Gao M.; Guo H.
刊名: Marine Pollution Bulletin
ISSN: 0025-326X
EISSN: 1879-3363
出版年: 2017
卷: 114, 期:1
起始页码: 555
结束页码: 563
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Heavy metal ; Liaohe Estuary ; Marine organism ; Organochlorine pesticides ; Polychlorinated biphenyls ; Sediment
Scopus关键词: Biology ; Cadmium ; Copper ; Ecology ; Estuaries ; Heavy metals ; Lead ; Marine biology ; Mercury (metal) ; Organic pollutants ; Pesticides ; Pollution ; Polychlorinated biphenyls ; Sediments ; Background information ; Geo-accumulation index ; Heavy metal pollution ; Marine organisms ; Organochlorine pesticides ; Pollutant concentration ; Pollution load indices ; Potential ecological risk ; Marine pollution ; arsenic ; cadmium ; chlorphenotane ; chromium ; copper ; heavy metal ; lead ; mercury ; organochlorine pesticide ; polychlorinated biphenyl ; chlorinated hydrocarbon ; heavy metal ; pesticide ; polychlorinated biphenyl ; water pollutant ; baseline survey ; ecological impact ; estuarine sediment ; geoaccumulation ; heavy metal ; organochlorine pesticide ; PCB ; sediment pollution ; spatial distribution ; Article ; concentration (parameters) ; Crustacea ; estuary ; fish ; indicator organism ; mollusc ; nonhuman ; risk assessment ; sediment ; water contamination ; water pollutant ; water pollution indicator ; analysis ; aquatic species ; chemistry ; China ; drug effects ; ecology ; environmental monitoring ; estuary ; growth, development and aging ; procedures ; questionnaire ; China ; Liaohe Estuary ; Liaoning ; Crustacea ; Aquatic Organisms ; China ; Ecology ; Environmental Monitoring ; Estuaries ; Geologic Sediments ; Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated ; Metals, Heavy ; Pesticides ; Polychlorinated Biphenyls ; Risk Assessment ; Surveys and Questionnaires ; Water Pollutants, Chemical
Scopus学科分类: Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Aquatic Science ; Earth and Planetary Sciences: Oceanography ; Environmental Science: Pollution
英文摘要: A geographically extensive investigation was carried out to analyze the concentrations of heavy metals, PCBs and OCPs in the sediments and marine organisms collected from the Liaohe Estuary. In order to determine the spatial distribution and potential ecological risk of heavy metals, the surface sediments were collected from 44 sites in the Liaohe Estuary. The results showed that the heavy metal contents in the sediments were observed in the following order: Cr (11.2–84.8�mg/kg)�>�Cu (1.7–47.9�mg/kg)�>�Pb (4.3–28.3�mg/kg)�>�As (1.61–12.77�mg/kg)�>�Cd (0.06–0.47�mg/kg)�>�Hg (0.005–0.113�mg/kg). In comparison with the concentrations of heavy metals and POPs in other regions, the concentrations of As, Pb and DDTs in the Liaohe Estuary were generally low, and other pollutant concentrations were inconsistent with those reported in other regions. The contamination factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), the geoaccumulation index and the potential ecological risk index were used to analyze the pollution situation, which showed that the heavy metal pollution in Liaohe Estuary is mainly dominated by Cd and Hg. The concentrations of the four heavy metals varied significantly in the three kinds of tested organisms (fish, mollusk and crustacean), indicating the different accumulative abilities of the species. The results obtained in this study provide useful information background information for further ecology investigation and management in this region. � 2016
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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: Marine Ecology Department, National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian, China; College of Fisheries and Life Science, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, China; School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

Recommended Citation:
Li H.,Ye S.,Ye J.,et al. Baseline survey of sediments and marine organisms in Liaohe Estuary: Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2017-01-01,114(1)
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