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Transient scenarios for robust climate change adaptation illustrated for water management in The Netherlands [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 10 (10
M Haasnoot;  J Schellekens;  J J Beersma;  H Middelkoop;  J C J Kwadijk
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Lessons learnt from adaptation planning in four deltas and coastal cities [期刊论文]
Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2015-01-01, 6 (4
Jeuken A.;  Haasnoot M.;  Reeder T.;  Ward P.
Developing dynamic adaptive policy pathways: a computer-assisted approach for developing adaptive strategies for a deeply uncertain world [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2015-01-01, 132 (3
Kwakkel J.H.;  Haasnoot M.;  Walker W.E.
Using adaptation tipping points to prepare for climate change and sea level rise: A case study in the Netherlands [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2010-01-01, 1 (5
Kwadijk J;  C;  J;  , Haasnoot M;  , Mulder J;  P;  M;  , Hoogvliet M;  M;  C;  , Jeuken A;  B;  M;  , van der Krogt R;  A;  A;  , van Oostrom N;  G;  C;  , Schelfhout H;  A;  , van Velzen E;  H;  , van Waveren H;  , de Wit M;  J;  M