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Glacial pumping of a magma-charged lithosphere: A model for glaciovolcanic causality in magmatic arcs [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 548
Wilson A.M.;  Russell J.K.
Mismatched outcomes for biodiversity and ecosystem services: testing the responses of crop pollinators and wild bee biodiversity to habitat enhancement [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (2
Nicholson C.C.;  Ward K.L.;  Williams N.M.;  Isaacs R.;  Mason K.S.;  Wilson J.K.;  Brokaw J.;  Gut L.J.;  Rothwell N.L.;  Wood T.J.;  Rao S.;  Hoffman G.D.;  Gibbs J.;  Thorp R.W.;  Ricketts T.H.
A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01,
Lichtenberg E.M.;  Kennedy C.M.;  Kremen C.;  Batáry P.;  Berendse F.;  Bommarco R.;  Bosque-Pérez N.A.;  Carvalheiro L.G.;  Snyder W.E.;  Williams N.M.;  Winfree R.;  Klatt B.K.;  Åström S.;  Benjamin F.;  Brittain C.;  Chaplin-Kramer R.;  Clough Y.;  Danforth B.;  Diekötter T.;  Eigenbrode S.D.;  Ekroos J.;  Elle E.;  Freitas B.M.;  Fukuda Y.;  Gaines-Day H.R.;  Grab H.;  Gratton C.;  Holzschuh A.;  Isaacs R.;  Isaia M.;  Jha S.;  Jonason D.;  Jones V.P.;  Klein A.-M.;  Krauss J.;  Letourneau D.K.;  Macfadyen S.;  Mallinger R.E.;  Martin E.A.;  Martinez E.;  Memmott J.;  Morandin L.;  Neame L.;  Otieno M.;  Park M.G.;  Pfiffner L.;  Pocock M.J.O.;  Ponce C.;  Potts S.G.;  Poveda K.;  Ramos M.;  Rosenheim J.A.;  Rundlöf M.;  Sardiñas H.;  Saunders M.E.;  Schon N.L.;  Sciligo A.R.;  Sidhu C.S.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.;  Tscharntke T.;  Veselý M.;  Weisser W.W.;  Wilson J.K.;  Crowder D.W.
Mass loss and imbalance of glaciers along the Andes Cordillera to the sub-Antarctic islands [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 133
Mernild S.H.;  Beckerman A.P.;  Yde J.C.;  Hanna E.;  Malmros J.K.;  Wilson R.;  Zemp M.
A rapid decrease of the hydrogen corona of Mars [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (22
Clarke J.T.;  Bertaux J.-L.;  Chaufray J.-Y.;  Gladstone G.R.;  Quemerais E.;  Wilson J.K.;  Bhattacharyya D.
A critique of the manuscript: "Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico" [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014-01-01, 79 (2018-01-02
Wilson M.J.;  Wickliffe J.K.;  Overton E.
An information hypothesis for the evolution of homeostasis [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2013-01-01, 28 (5
Woods H.A.;  Wilson J.K.