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Boosting geoscience data sharing in China [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (8
Li X.;  Cheng G.;  Wang L.;  Wang J.;  Ran Y.;  Che T.;  Li G.;  He H.;  Zhang Q.;  Jiang X.;  Zou Z.;  Zhao G.
Chiral flux phase in the Kagome superconductor AV3Sb5 [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (14
Feng X.;  Jiang K.;  Wang Z.;  Hu J.
Chromosome-scale genomes provide new insights into subspecies divergence and evolutionary characteristics of the giant panda [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Guang X.;  Lan T.;  Wan Q.-H.;  Huang Y.;  Li H.;  Zhang M.;  Li R.;  Zhang Z.;  Lei Y.;  Zhang L.;  Zhang H.;  Li D.;  Li X.;  Li H.;  Xu Y.;  Qiao M.;  Wu D.;  Tang K.;  Zhao P.;  Lin J.-Q.;  Kumar Sahu S.;  Liang Q.;  Jiang W.;  Zhang D.;  Xu X.;  Liu X.;  Lisby M.;  Yang H.;  Kristiansen K.;  Liu H.;  Fang S.-G.
Pairwise interactions in gene expression determine a hierarchical transcriptional profile in the human brain [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (14
Hua J.;  Yang Z.;  Jiang T.;  Yu S.
Corrigendum to “Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) inhibits influenza A viral infection by disrupting viral proton channel M2” [Sci. Bull., 64 (3) (2019) 180–188](S2095927318304134)(10.1016/j.scib.2018.08.013) [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (4
Li N.;  Zhang Y.;  Wu S.;  Xu R.;  Li Z.;  Zhu J.;  Wang H.;  Li X.;  Tian M.;  Lu H.;  Jin N.;  Jiang C.
Carbon monoxide powered fuel cell towards H2-onboard purification [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Li Y.;  Wang X.;  Mei B.;  Wang Y.;  Luo Z.;  Luo E.;  Yang X.;  Shi Z.;  Liang L.;  Jin Z.;  Wu Z.;  Jiang Z.;  Liu C.;  Xing W.;  Ge J.
Grey hematite photoanodes decrease the onset potential in photoelectrochemical water oxidation [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (10
Liu P.-F.;  Wang C.;  Wang Y.;  Li Y.;  Zhang B.;  Zheng L.-R.;  Jiang Z.;  Zhao H.;  Yang H.-G.
Universal lithiophilic interfacial layers towards dendrite-free lithium anodes for solid-state lithium-metal batteries [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (17
Lu G.;  Dong Z.;  Liu W.;  Jiang X.;  Yang Z.;  Liu Q.;  Yang X.;  Wu D.;  Li Z.;  Zhao Q.;  Hu X.;  Xu C.;  Pan F.
Topological flat bands in twisted trilayer graphene [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (1
Ma Z.;  Li S.;  Zheng Y.-W.;  Xiao M.-M.;  Jiang H.;  Gao J.-H.;  Xie X.C.
Self-powered technology for next-generation biosensor [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (17
Ouyang H.;  Jiang D.;  Fan Y.;  Wang Z.L.;  Li Z.

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