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Rationally constructed Ti sites of TS-1 for epoxidation reactions [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Feng X.;  Lin D.;  Chen D.;  Yang C.
Polypeptide nanoformulation-induced immunogenic cell death and remission of immunosuppression for enhanced chemoimmunotherapy [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (4
Feng X.;  Xu W.;  Liu J.;  Li D.;  Li G.;  Ding J.;  Chen X.
Small P values may not yield robust findings: an example using REST-meta-PD [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Jia X.-Z.;  Zhao N.;  Dong H.-M.;  Sun J.-W.;  Barton M.;  Burciu R.;  Carrière N.;  Cerasa A.;  Chen B.-Y.;  Chen J.;  Coombes S.;  Defebvre L.;  Delmaire C.;  Dujardin K.;  Esposito F.;  Fan G.-G.;  Di Nardo F.;  Feng Y.-X.;  Fling B.W.;  Garg S.;  Gilat M.;  Gorges M.;  Ho S.-L.;  Horak F.B.;  Hu X.;  Hu X.-F.;  Huang B.;  Huang P.-Y.;  Jia Z.-J.;  Jones C.;  Kassubek J.;  Krajcovicova L.;  Kurani A.;  Li J.;  Li Q.;  Liu A.-P.;  Liu B.;  Liu H.;  Liu W.-G.;  Lopes R.;  Lou Y.-T.;  Luo W.;  Madhyastha T.;  Mao N.-N.;  McAlonan G.;  McKeown M.J.;  Pang S.Y.Y.;  Quattrone A.;  Rektorova I.;  Sarica A.;  Shang H.-F.;  Shine J.M.;  Shukla P.;  Slavicek T.;  Song X.-P.;  Tedeschi G.;  Tessitore A.;  Vaillancourt D.;  Wang J.;  Wang J.;  Jane Wang Z.;  Wei L.-Q.;  Wu X.;  Xu X.-J.;  Yan L.;  Yang J.;  Yang W.-Q.;  Yao N.-L.;  Zhang D.-L.;  Zhang J.-Q.;  Zhang M.-M.;  Zhang Y.-L.;  Zhou C.-H.;  Yan C.-G.;  Zuo X.-N.;  Hallett M.;  Wu T.;  Zang Y.-F.
Maternal genetic structure in ancient Shandong between 9500 and 1800 years ago [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (11
Liu J.;  Zeng W.;  Sun B.;  Mao X.;  Zhao Y.;  Wang F.;  Li Z.;  Luan F.;  Guo J.;  Zhu C.;  Wang Z.;  Wei C.;  Zhang M.;  Cao P.;  Liu F.;  Dai Q.;  Feng X.;  Yang R.;  Hou W.;  Ping W.;  Wu X.;  Andrew Bennett E.;  Liu Y.;  Fu Q.
The largest negative carbon isotope excursions in Neoproterozoic carbonates caused by recycled carbonatite volcanic ash [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Liu Y.;  Chen W.;  Foley S.F.;  Shen Y.;  Chen C.;  Li J.;  Ou X.;  He D.;  Feng Q.;  Lin J.
Warming-driven migration of core microbiota indicates soil property changes at continental scale [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Wang S.;  Bao X.;  Feng K.;  Deng Y.;  Zhou W.;  Shao P.;  Zheng T.;  Yao F.;  Yang S.;  Liu S.;  Shi R.;  Bai Z.;  Xie H.;  Yu J.;  Zhang Y.;  Zhang Y.;  Sha L.;  Song Q.;  Liu Y.;  Zhou J.;  Zhang Y.;  Li H.;  Wang Q.;  Han X.;  Zhu Y.;  Liang C.
Robust metal–organic framework with multiple traps for trace Xe/Kr separation [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (11
Zhang H.;  Fan Y.;  Krishna R.;  Feng X.;  Wang L.;  Luo F.
Decoupling hydrogen production from water oxidation by integrating a triphase interfacial bioelectrochemical cascade reaction [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (2
Zhang J.;  Sheng X.;  Ding Z.;  Wang H.;  Feng L.;  Zhang X.;  Wen L.;  Jiang L.;  Feng X.
Possible obliquity-forced warmth in southern Asia during the last glacial stage [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (11
Zhao C.;  Rohling E.J.;  Liu Z.;  Yang X.;  Zhang E.;  Cheng J.;  Liu Z.;  An Z.;  Yang X.;  Feng X.;  Sun X.;  Zhang C.;  Yan T.;  Long H.;  Yan H.;  Yu Z.;  Liu W.;  Yu S.-Y.;  Shen J.
Crustal seismogenic structures and deformation styles along the Longmen Shan Fault belt in the eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from ambient noise tomography [期刊论文]
Tectonophysics, 2021-01-01, 798
Feng M.;  Qian H.;  Mechie J.;  An M.;  Li H.;  Xue G.;  Su H.;  Cui X.

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