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Estimating North American background ozone in U.S. surface air with two independent global models: Variability, uncertainties, and recommendations [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 96
Fiore A;  M;  , Oberman J;  T;  , Lin M;  Y;  , Zhang L;  , Clifton O;  E;  , Jacob D;  J;  , Naik V;  , Horowitz L;  W;  , Pinto J;  P;  , Milly G;  P
Satellite data of atmospheric pollution for U.S. air quality applications: Examples of applications, summary of data end-user resources, answers to FAQs, and common mistakes to avoid [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 94
Duncan B;  N;  , Prados A;  I;  , Lamsal L;  N;  , Liu Y;  , Streets D;  G;  , Gupta P;  , Hilsenrath E;  , Kahn R;  A;  , Nielsen J;  E;  , Beyersdorf A;  J;  , Burton S;  P;  , Fiore A;  M;  , Fishman J;  , Henze D;  K;  , Hostetler C;  A;  , Krotkov N;  A;  , Lee P;  , Lin M;  , Pawson S;  , Pfister G;  , Pickering K;  E;  , Pierce R;  B;  , Yoshida Y;  , Ziemba L;  D
Satellite data of atmospheric pollution for U.S. air quality applications: Examples of applications, summary of data end-user resources, answers to FAQs, and common mistakes to avoid [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 94
Duncan B;  N;  , Prados A;  I;  , Lamsal L;  N;  , Liu Y;  , Streets D;  G;  , Gupta P;  , Hilsenrath E;  , Kahn R;  A;  , Nielsen J;  E;  , Beyersdorf A;  J;  , Burton S;  P;  , Fiore A;  M;  , Fishman J;  , Henze D;  K;  , Hostetler C;  A;  , Krotkov N;  A;  , Lee P;  , Lin M;  , Pawson S;  , Pfister G;  , Pickering K;  E;  , Pierce R;  B;  , Yoshida Y;  , Ziemba L;  D