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Rain-aerosol relationships influenced by wind speed [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (5
Yang Y.;  Russell L.M.;  Lou S.;  Liu Y.;  Singh B.;  Ghan S.J.
A quantitative comparison of precipitation forecasts between the storm-scale numerical weather prediction model and auto-nowcast system in Jiangsu, China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2016-01-01, Volume 181) : Pages 1-11
Gaili Wanga;  b;  ;  ;  Ji Yangb;  Dan Wangc;  Liping Liua
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Application of the Doppler weather radar in real-time quality control of hourly gauge precipitation in eastern China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2016-01-01, Volumes 172–173) : Pages 109-118
Lingzhi Zhonga;  ;  ;  Zhiqiang Zhangb;  Lin Chenc;  Jinhong Yangd;  Fengling Zoub
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Research on reconstructing spatial distribution of historical cropland over 300years in traditional cultivated regions of China [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 128
Yang X.;  Jin X.;  Guo B.;  Long Y.;  Zhou Y.
Increasing Mississippi river discharge throughout the 21st century influenced by changes in climate, land use, and atmospheric CO2 [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (14
Tao B.;  Tian H.;  Ren W.;  Yang J.;  Yang Q.;  He R.;  Cai W.;  Lohrenz S.
Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013-01-01, 40 (12
Zhang Q.-H.;  Zhang B.-C.;  Moen J.;  Lockwood M.;  McCrea I.W.;  Yang H.-G.;  Hu H.-Q.;  Liu R.-Y.;  Zhang S.-R.;  Lester M.
Diet and environment of a mid-Pliocene fauna from southwestern Himalaya: Paleo-elevation implications [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013-01-01, Volume 376) : Pages 43-53
Yang Wanga;  b;  ;  ;  Yingfeng Xua;  b;  Sofia Khawajaa;  b;  Benjamin H. Passeyc;  Chunfu Zhanga;  b;  h;  Xiaoming Wangd;  e;  Qiang Lie;  Zhijie J. Tsengd;  Gary T. Takeuchif;  Tao Denge;  Guangpu Xieg
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