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Contributions of different combinations of the IPO and AMO to recent changes in winter East Asian jets [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (5
Huang D.;  Dai A.;  Yang B.;  Yan P.;  Zhu J.;  Zhang Y.
Homogenization of monthly ground surface temperature in China during 1961-2016 and performances of GLDAS reanalysis products [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (4
Xu W.;  Sun C.;  Zuo J.;  Ma Z.;  Li W.;  Yang S.
Combined use of multiple drought indices for global assessment of dry gets drier and wet gets wetter paradigm [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (3
Yang T.;  Ding J.;  Liu D.;  Wang X.;  Wang T.
Footprints of Atlantic multidecadal oscillation in the low-frequency variation of extreme high temperature in the Northern Hemisphere [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (3
Gao M.;  Yang J.;  Gong D.;  Shi P.;  Han Z.;  Kim S.-J.
Fidelity of the observational/reanalysis datasets and global climate models in representation of extreme precipitation in East China [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (1
He S.;  Yang J.;  Bao Q.;  Wang L.;  Wang B.
Influence of surface topography on the critical carbon dioxide level required for the formation of a modern snowball Earth [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (20
Liu Y.;  Richard Peltier W.;  Yang J.;  Hu Y.
Pacific decadal oscillation: Tropical Pacific forcing versus internal variability [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (20
Zhang Y.;  Xie S.-P.;  Kosaka Y.;  Yang J.-C.
Understanding Bjerknes compensation in meridional heat transports and the role of freshwater in a warming climate [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (12
Yang Q.;  Zhao Y.;  Wen Q.;  Yao J.;  Yang H.
Impact of Earth greening on the terrestrial water cycle [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (7
Zeng Z.;  Piao S.;  Li L.Z.X.;  Wang T.;  Ciais P.;  Lian X.;  Yang Y.;  Mao J.;  Shi X.;  Myneni R.B.
Are peak summer sultry heat wave days over the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin predictable? [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2018-01-01, 31 (6
Gao M.;  Wang B.;  Yang J.;  Dong W.

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