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Life History of the Gray Snapper at the Warm Edge of Its Distribution Range in the Caribbean [期刊论文]
MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES, 2019-01-01, 11 (4) : 315-327
Andrade, Hector;  Santos, Jorge
The future of insular beaches: Insights from a past-to-future sediment budget approach [期刊论文]
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019-01-01, 676) : 692-705
Silva, Ana Nobre;  Taborda, Rui;  Andrade, Cesar;  Ribeiro, Monica
Back home? Uncertainties for returning seized animals to the source-areas under climate change [期刊论文]
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 25 (10) : 3242-3253
Gomes Destro, Guilherme Fernando;  de Fernandes, Virginia;  Alves de Andrade, Andre Felipe;  De Marco, Paulo;  Terribile, Levi Carina
Urban challenges and opportunities to promote sustainable food security through smart cities and the 4th industrial revolution [期刊论文]
LAND USE POLICY, 2019-01-01, 87
de Amorim, Wellyngton Silva;  Deggau, Andre Borchardt;  Goncalves, Gabrielli do Livramento;  Neiva, Samara da Silva;  Prasath, Arun R.;  Osorio de Andrade Guerra, Jose Baltazar Salgueirinho
Estimating the impact of climate change on wind and solar energy in Brazil using a South American regional climate model [期刊论文]
RENEWABLE ENERGY, 2019-01-01, 141) : 390-401
de Jong, Pieter;  Barreto, Tarssio B.;  Tanajura, Clemente A. S.;  Kouloukoui, Daniel;  Oliveira-Esquerre, Karla P.;  Kiperstok, Asher;  Torres, Ednildo Andrade
Assessment of two behavioural models (HBM and RANAS) for predicting health behaviours in response to environmental threats: Surface water flooding as a source of groundwater contamination and subsequent waterborne infection in the Republic of Ireland [期刊论文]
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019-01-01, 685) : 1019-1029
Andrade, L.;  O';  Malley, K.;  Hynds, P.;  O';  Neill, E.;  O';  Dwyer, J.
Fire weather and likelihood: characterizing climate space for fire occurrence and extent in Puerto Rico [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2018-01-01, 146 (2018-01-02
Van Beusekom A.E.;  Gould W.A.;  Monmany A.C.;  Khalyani A.H.;  Quiñones M.;  Fain S.J.;  Andrade-Núñez M.J.;  González G.
Mangrove clearing impacts on macrofaunal assemblages and benthic food webs in a tropical estuary [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018-01-01, 126
Bernardino A.F.;  Gomes L.E.D.O.;  Hadlich H.L.;  Andrades R.;  Correa L.B.
Effects of undetected data quality issues on climatological analyses [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2018-01-01, 14 (1
Hunziker S.;  Brönnimann S.;  Calle J.;  Moreno I.;  Andrade M.;  Ticona L.;  Huerta A.;  Lavado-Casimiro W.
Deccan volcanism induced high-stress environment during the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition at Zumaia, Spain: Evidence from magnetic, mineralogical and biostratigraphic records [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018-01-01, 484
Font E.;  Adatte T.;  Andrade M.;  Keller G.;  Mbabi Bitchong A.;  Carvallo C.;  Ferreira J.;  Diogo Z.;  Mirão J.

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