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State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes [期刊论文]
Schewe, Jacob;  Gosling, Simon N.;  Reyer, Christopher;  Zhao, Fang;  Ciais, Philippe;  Elliott, Joshua;  Francois, Louis;  Huber, Veronika;  Lotze, Heike K.;  Seneviratne, Sonia, I;  van Vliet, Michelle T. H.;  Vautard, Robert;  Wada, Yoshihide;  Breuer, Lutz;  Buechner, Matthias;  Carozza, David A.;  Chang, Jinfeng;  Coll, Marta;  Deryng, Delphine;  de Wit, Allard;  Eddy, Tyler D.;  Folberth, Christian;  Frieler, Katja;  Friend, Andrew D.;  Gerten, Dieter;  Gudmundsson, Lukas;  Hanasaki, Naota;  Ito, Akihiko;  Khabarov, Nikolay;  Kim, Hyungjun;  Lawrence, Peter;  Morfopoulos, Catherine;  Mueller, Christoph;  Schmied, Hannes Mueller;  Orth, Rene;  Ostberg, Sebastian;  Pokhrel, Yadu;  Pugh, Thomas A. M.;  Sakurai, Gen;  Satoh, Yusuke;  Schmid, Erwin;  Stacke, Tobias;  Steenbeek, Jeroen;  Steinkamp, Joerg;  Tang, Qiuhong;  Tian, Hanqin;  Tittensor, Derek P.;  Volkholz, Jan;  Wang, Xuhui;  Warszawski, Lila
Response of maize biomass and soil water fluxes on elevated CO2 and drought-From field experiments to process-based simulations [期刊论文]
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 25 (9) : 2947-2957
Kellner, Juliane;  Houska, Tobias;  Manderscheid, Remy;  Weigel, Hans-Joachim;  Breuer, Lutz;  Kraft, Philipp
New Seasonal Shift in In-Stream Diurnal Nitrate Cycles Identified by Mining High-Frequency Data [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (4
Alice H. Aubert;  Lutz Breuer
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Effects of Short Term Bioturbation by Common Voles on Biogeochemical Soil Variables [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (5
Burkhard Wilske;  Jana A. Eccard;  Marcus Zistl-Schlingmann;  Maximilian Hohmann;  Annabel Methler;  Antje Herde;  Thilo Liesenjohann;  Michael Dannenmann;  Klaus Butterbach-Bahl;  Lutz Breuer
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Deforestation and Benthic Indicators: How Much Vegetation Cover Is Needed to Sustain Healthy Andean Streams? [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (8
Carlos Iñiguez–Armijos;  Adrián Leiva;  Hans–Georg Frede;  Henrietta Hampel;  Lutz Breuer
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