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Unintended Consequences of Management Actions in Salt Pond Restoration: Cascading Effects in Trophic Interactions [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (6
John Y. Takekawa;  Joshua T. Ackerman;  L. Arriana Brand;  Tanya R. Graham;  Collin A. Eagles-Smith;  Mark P. Herzog;  Brent R. Topping;  Gregory G. Shellenbarger;  James S. Kuwabara;  Eric Mruz;  Sara L. Piotter;  Nicole D. Athearn
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Natural-Cause Mortality and Long-Term Exposure to Particle Components: An Analysis of 19 European Cohorts within the Multi-Center ESCAPE Project [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015-01-01, Volume 123 (Issue 6
Rob Beelen;  1 Gerard Hoek;  1 Ole Raaschou-Nielsen;  2 Massimo Stafoggia;  3 Zorana Jovanovic;  ersen;  2;  4 Gudrun Weinmayr;  5;  6 Barbara Hoffmann;  6;  7 Kathrin Wolf;  8 Evangelia Samoli;  9 Paul H. Fischer;  10 Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen;  11;  12 Wei W. Xun;  13;  14 Klea Katsouyanni;  9 Konstantina Dimakopoulou;  9 Aless;  ro Marcon;  15 Erkki Vartiainen;  16 Timo Lanki;  17 Tarja Yli-Tuomi;  17 Bente Oftedal;  18 Per E. Schwarze;  18 Per Nafstad;  18;  19 Ulf De Faire;  20 Nancy L. Pedersen;  21 Claes-Göran Östenson;  22 Laura Fratiglioni;  23 Johanna Penell;  20 Michal Korek;  20 Göran Pershagen;  20 Kirsten Thorup Eriksen;  2 Kim Overvad;  24;  25 Mette Sørensen;  2 Marloes Eeftens;  1 Petra H. Peeters;  26;  27 Kees Meliefste;  1 Meng Wang;  1 H. Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita;  10;   27;   28 Dorothea Sugiri;  6;  7 Ursula Krämer;  6;  7 Joachim Heinrich;  29 Kees de Hoogh;  13 Timothy Key;  30 Annette Peters;  8 Regina Hampel;  8 Hans Concin;  31 Gabriele Nagel;  5;  31;  rea Jaensch;  5 Alex Ineichen;  32;  33 Ming-Yi Tsai;  32;  33;  34 Emmanuel Schaffner;  32;  33 Nicole M. Probst-Hensch;  32;  33 Christian Schindler;  32;  33 Martina S. Ragettli;  32;  33 Alice Vilier;  35;  36;  37 Françoise Clavel-Chapelon;  35;  36;  37 Christophe Declercq;  38 Fulvio Ricceri;  39 Carlotta Sacerdote;  40 Claudia Galassi;  40 Enrica Migliore;  40;  rea Ranzi;  41 Giulia Cesaroni;  3 Chiara Badaloni;  3 Francesco Forastiere;  3 Michail Katsoulis;  42 Antonia Trichopoulou;  42 Menno Keuken;  43 Aleks;  ra Jedynska;  43 Ingeborg M. Kooter;  43 Jaakko Kukkonen;  44 Ranjeet S. Sokhi;  45 Paolo Vineis;  13;  Bert Brunekreef1;  26
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Priority threat management of invasive animals to protect biodiversity under climate change [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2015-01-01, 21 (11
Firn J.;  Maggini R.;  Chadès I.;  Nicol S.;  Walters B.;  Reeson A.;  Martin T.G.;  Possingham H.P.;  Pichancourt J.-B.;  Ponce-Reyes R.;  Carwardine J.