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Evaluation of cellular effects of fine particulate matter from combustion of solid fuels used for indoor heating on the Navajo Nation using a stratified oxidative stress response model [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2018-01-01, 182
Li N;  , Champion W;  M;  , Imam J;  , Sidhu D;  , Salazar J;  R;  , Majestic B;  J;  , Montoya L;  D
Toward understanding atmospheric physics impacting the relationship between columnar aerosol optical depth and near-surface PM2.5 mass concentrations in Nevada and California, U.S.A., during 2013 [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 171
Loría-Salazar S;  M;  , Panorska A;  , Arnott W;  P;  , Barnard J;  C;  , Boehmler J;  M;  , Holmes H;  A
Micro-scale (μg) radiocarbon analysis of water-soluble organic carbon in aerosol samples [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 97
Zhang Y;  -L;  , Liu J;  -W;  , Salazar G;  A;  , Li J;  , Zotter P;  , Zhang G;  , Shen R;  -R;  , Schäfer K;  , Schnelle-Kreis J;  , PrévÔt A;  S;  H;  , Szidat S
Ammonia emission from a permanent grassland on volcanic soil after the treatment with dairy slurry and urea [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 95
Salazar F;  , Martínez-Lagos J;  , Alfaro M;  , Misselbrook T