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The RESET project: Constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015-01-01, 118
Lowe J.J.;  RESET Associates;  Housley R.A.;  Lane C.S.;  Tomlinson E.L.;  Stringer C.;  Davies W.;  Barton N.;  Pollard M.;  Gamble C.;  Menzies M.;  Rohling E.;  Roberts A.;  Blockley S.;  Cullen V.;  Grant K.;  Lewis M.;  MacLeod A.;  White D.;  Albert P.;  Hardiman M.;  Lee S.;  Oh A.;  Satow C.;  Cross J.K.;  Law C.B.;  Todman A.;  Bourne A.;  Matthews I.;  Müller W.;  Smith V.;  Wulf S.;  Anghelinu M.;  Antl-Weiser W.;  Bar-Yosef O.;  Boric D.;  Boscato P.;  Ronchitelli A.;  Chabai V.;  Veselsky A.;  Uthmeier T.;  Farrand W.;  Gjipali I.;  Ruka R.;  Güleç E.;  Karavanic I.;  Karkanas P.;  King T.;  Komšo D.;  Koumouzelis M.;  Kyparissi N.;  Lengyel G.;  Mester Z.;  Neruda P.;  Panagopoulou E.;  Shalamanov-Korobar L.;  Tolevski I.;  Sirakov N.;  Guadelli A.;  Guadelli J.-L.;  Ferrier C.;  Skrdla P.;  Slimak L.;  Soler N.;  Soler J.;  Soressi M.;  Tushabramishvilii N.;  Zilhão J.;  Angelucci D.;  Albert P.;  Bramham Law C.;  Cullen V.L.;  Lincoln P.;  Staff R.;  Flower K.;  Aouadi-Abdeljaouad N.;  Belhouchet L.;  Barker G.;  Bouzouggar A.;  Van Peer P.;  Kindermann K.;  Gerken K.;  Niemann H.;  Tipping R.;  Saville A.;  Ward T.;  Clausen I.;  Weber M.-J.;  Kaiser K.;  Torksdorf J.F.;  Turner F.;  Veil S.;  Nygaard N.;  Pyne-O'Donnell S.D.F.;  Masojc M.;  Nalepka D.;  Jurochnik A.;  Kabacinski J.;  Antoine P.;  Olive M.;  Christensen M.;  Bodu P.;  Debout G.;  Orliac M.;  De Bie M.;  Van Gils M.;  Paulissen E.;  Brou L.;  Leesch D.;  Hadorn P.;  Thew N.;  Riede F.;  Heinen M.;  Joris O.;  Richter J.;  Uthmeier T.;  Knipping M.;  Stika H.-P.;  Friedrich M.;  Conard N.;  Malina M.;  Kind C.-J.;  Beutelspacher T.;  Mortensen M.F.;  Burdukiewicz J.M.;  Szynkiewicz A.;  Poltowicz-Bobak M.;  Bobak D.;  Wisniewski A.;  Przezdziecki M.;  Valde-Nowak P.;  Muzyczuk A.;  Bramham Law C.;  Cullen V.L.;  Davies L.;  Lincoln P.;  MacLeod A.;  Morgan P.;  Aydar E.;  çubukçu E.;  Brown R.;  Coltelli M.;  Castro D.L.;  Cioni R.;  DeRosa R.;  Donato P.;  Roberto A.D.;  Gertisser R.;  Giordano G.;  Branney M.;  Jordan N.;  Keller J.;  Kinvig H.;  Gottsman J.;  Blundy J.;  Marani M.;  Orsi G.;  Civetta L.;  Arienzo I.;  Carandente A.;  Rosi M.;  Zanchetta G.;  Seghedi I.;  Szakacs A.;  Sulpizio R.;  Thordarson T.;  Trincardi F.;  Vigliotti L.;  Asioli A.;  Piva A.;  Andric M.;  Brauer A.;  de Klerk P.;  Filippi M.-L.;  Finsinger W.;  Galovic L.;  Jones T.;  Lotter A.;  Müller U.;  Pross J.;  Mangerud J.;  Lohne Ø.;  Pyne-O'Donnell S.;  Markovic S.;  Pini R.;  Ravazzi C.;  Riede F.;  TheuerKauf M.;  Tzedakis C.;  Margari V.;  Veres D.;  Wastegård S.;  Ortiz J.E.;  Torres T.;  Díaz-Bautista A.;  Moreno A.;  Valero-Garcés B.;  Lowick S.;  Ottolini L.
Environmental conditions influence tissue regeneration rates in scleractinian corals [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015-01-01, 95 (1
Sabine A.M.;  Smith T.B.;  Williams D.E.;  Brandt M.E.
Corrigendum to Van de Waal et al. Stoichiometric regulation of phytoplankton toxins [Ecol. Lett., 17, (2014), 736-742] [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2015-01-01, 18 (9
Van de Waal D.B.;  Smith V.H.;  Declerck S.A.J.;  Stam E.C.M.;  Elser J.J.
High-resolution lunar gravity fields from the GRAIL Primary and Extended Missions [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (5
Konopliv A.S.;  Park R.S.;  Yuan D.-N.;  Asmar S.W.;  Watkins M.M.;  Williams J.G.;  Fahnestock E.;  Kruizinga G.;  Paik M.;  Strekalov D.;  Harvey N.;  Smith D.E.;  Zuber M.T.
Detection of the lunar body tide by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (7
Mazarico E.;  Barker M.K.;  Neumann G.A.;  Zuber M.T.;  Smith D.E.
High-resolution local gravity model of the south pole of the Moon from GRAIL extended mission data [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (10
Goossens S.;  Sabaka T.J.;  Nicholas J.B.;  Lemoine F.G.;  Rowlands D.D.;  Mazarico E.;  Neumann G.A.;  Smith D.E.;  Zuber M.T.
GRGM900C: A degree 900 lunar gravity model from GRAIL primary and extended mission data [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (10
Lemoine F.G.;  Goossens S.;  Sabaka T.J.;  Nicholas J.B.;  Mazarico E.;  Rowlands D.D.;  Loomis B.D.;  Chinn D.S.;  Neumann G.A.;  Smith D.E.;  Zuber M.T.
GRAIL gravity constraints on the vertical and lateral density structure of the lunar crust [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (16
Besserer J.;  Nimmo F.;  Wieczorek M.A.;  Weber R.C.;  Kiefer W.S.;  McGovern P.J.;  Andrews-Hanna J.C.;  Smith D.E.;  Zuber M.T.
Distinct patterns of seasonal Greenland glacier velocity [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (20
Moon T.;  Joughin I.;  Smith B.;  Van Den Broeke M.R.;  Van De Berg W.J.;  Noël B.;  Usher M.
Kilometer-scale topographic roughness of Mercury: Correlation with geologic features and units [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (23
Kreslavsky M.A.;  Head J.W.;  Neumann G.A.;  Zuber M.T.;  Smith D.E.

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