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The Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2) [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020-01-01, 12 (2
Danabasoglu G.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Bacmeister J.;  Bailey D.A.;  DuVivier A.K.;  Edwards J.;  Emmons L.K.;  Fasullo J.;  Garcia R.;  Gettelman A.;  Hannay C.;  Holland M.M.;  Large W.G.;  Lauritzen P.H.;  Lawrence D.M.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Lindsay K.;  Lipscomb W.H.;  Mills M.J.;  Neale R.;  Oleson K.W.;  Otto-Bliesner B.;  Phillips A.S.;  Sacks W.;  Tilmes S.;  van Kampenhout L.;  Vertenstein M.;  Bertini A.;  Dennis J.;  Deser C.;  Fischer C.;  Fox-Kemper B.;  Kay J.E.;  Kinnison D.;  Kushner P.J.;  Larson V.E.;  Long M.C.;  Mickelson S.;  Moore J.K.;  Nienhouse E.;  Polvani L.;  Rasch P.J.;  Strand W.G.
Africa's Climate Response to Solar Radiation Management With Stratospheric Aerosol [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020-01-01, 47 (2
Pinto I.;  Jack C.;  Lennard C.;  Tilmes S.;  Odoulami R.C.
Global airborne sampling reveals a previously unobserved dimethyl sulfide oxidation mechanism in the marine atmosphere [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (9
Veres P.R.;  Andrew Neuman J.;  Bertram T.H.;  Assaf E.;  Wolfe G.M.;  Williamson C.J.;  Weinzierl B.;  Tilmes S.;  Thompson C.R.;  Thames A.B.;  Schroder J.C.;  Saiz-Lopez A.;  Rollins A.W.;  Roberts J.M.;  Price D.;  Peischl J.;  Nault B.A.;  Møller K.H.;  Miller D.O.;  Meinardi S.;  Li Q.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Kupc A.;  Kjaergaard H.G.;  Kinnison D.;  Jimenez J.L.;  Jernigan C.M.;  Hornbrook R.S.;  Hills A.;  Dollner M.;  Day D.A.;  Cuevas C.A.;  Campuzano-Jost P.;  Burkholder J.;  Paul Bui T.;  Brune W.H.;  Brown S.S.;  Brock C.A.;  Bourgeois I.;  Blake D.R.;  Apel E.C.;  Ryerson T.B.
Comparing Surface and Stratospheric Impacts of Geoengineering With Different SO2 Injection Strategies [期刊论文]
Kravitz, Ben;  MacMartin, Douglas G.;  Tilmes, Simone;  Richter, Jadwiga H.;  Mills, Michael J.;  Cheng, Wei;  Dagon, Katherine;  Glanville, Anne S.;  Lamarque, Jean-Francois;  Simpson, Isla R.;  Tribbia, Joseph;  Vitt, Francis
Stratospheric Response in the First Geoengineering Simulation Meeting Multiple Surface Climate Objectives [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (11
Richter J.H.;  Tilmes S.;  Glanville A.;  Kravitz B.;  MacMartin D.G.;  Mills M.J.;  Simpson I.R.;  Vitt F.;  Tribbia J.J.;  Lamarque J.-F.
Stratospheric Injection of Brominated Very Short-Lived Substances: Aircraft Observations in the Western Pacific and Representation in Global Models [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (10
Wales P.A.;  Salawitch R.J.;  Nicely J.M.;  Anderson D.C.;  Canty T.P.;  Baidar S.;  Dix B.;  Koenig T.K.;  Volkamer R.;  Chen D.;  Huey L.G.;  Tanner D.J.;  Cuevas C.A.;  Fernandez R.P.;  Kinnison D.E.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Saiz-Lopez A.;  Atlas E.L.;  Hall S.R.;  Navarro M.A.;  Pan L.L.;  Schauffler S.M.;  Stell M.;  Tilmes S.;  Ullmann K.;  Weinheimer A.J.;  Akiyoshi H.;  Chipperfield M.P.;  Deushi M.;  Dhomse S.S.;  Feng W.;  Graf P.;  Hossaini R.;  Jöckel P.;  Mancini E.;  Michou M.;  Morgenstern O.;  Oman L.D.;  Pitari G.;  Plummer D.A.;  Revell L.E.;  Rozanov E.;  Saint-Martin D.;  Schofield R.;  Stenke A.;  Stone K.A.;  Visioni D.;  Yamashita Y.;  Zeng G.
Effects of Different Stratospheric SO2 Injection Altitudes on Stratospheric Chemistry and Dynamics [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (9
Tilmes S.;  Richter J.H.;  Mills M.J.;  Kravitz B.;  MacMartin D.G.;  Garcia R.R.;  Kinnison D.E.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Tribbia J.;  Vitt F.
How Will Air Quality Change in South Asia by 2050? [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Kumar R.;  Barth M.C.;  Pfister G.G.;  Delle Monache L.;  Lamarque J.F.;  Archer-Nicholls S.;  Tilmes S.;  Ghude S.D.;  Wiedinmyer C.;  Naja M.;  Walters S.
Tropospheric transport differences between models using the same large-scale meteorological fields [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (2
Orbe C.;  Waugh D.W.;  Yang H.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Tilmes S.;  Kinnison D.E.
Quantifying the causes of differences in tropospheric OH within global models [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017-01-01, 122 (3
Nicely J.M.;  Salawitch R.J.;  Canty T.;  Anderson D.C.;  Arnold S.R.;  Chipperfield M.P.;  Emmons L.K.;  Flemming J.;  Huijnen V.;  Kinnison D.E.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Mao J.;  Monks S.A.;  Steenrod S.D.;  Tilmes S.;  Turquety S.

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