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Engineering for Sustainable Communities [专著]
:American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017-08-28
William E. Kelly,Barbara Luke,Richard N. Wright
The Cd isotope composition of atmospheric aerosols from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (6
Bridgestock L.;  Rehkämper M.;  van de Flierdt T.;  Murphy K.;  Khondoker R.;  Baker A.R.;  Chance R.;  Strekopytov S.;  Humphreys-Williams E.;  Achterberg E.P.
Environmental characteristics drive variation in Amazonian understorey bird assemblages [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Juliana Menger;  William E. Magnusson;  Marti J. Anderson;  Martin Schlegel;  Guy Pe’er;  Klaus Henle
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A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01,
Lichtenberg E.M.;  Kennedy C.M.;  Kremen C.;  Batáry P.;  Berendse F.;  Bommarco R.;  Bosque-Pérez N.A.;  Carvalheiro L.G.;  Snyder W.E.;  Williams N.M.;  Winfree R.;  Klatt B.K.;  Åström S.;  Benjamin F.;  Brittain C.;  Chaplin-Kramer R.;  Clough Y.;  Danforth B.;  Diekötter T.;  Eigenbrode S.D.;  Ekroos J.;  Elle E.;  Freitas B.M.;  Fukuda Y.;  Gaines-Day H.R.;  Grab H.;  Gratton C.;  Holzschuh A.;  Isaacs R.;  Isaia M.;  Jha S.;  Jonason D.;  Jones V.P.;  Klein A.-M.;  Krauss J.;  Letourneau D.K.;  Macfadyen S.;  Mallinger R.E.;  Martin E.A.;  Martinez E.;  Memmott J.;  Morandin L.;  Neame L.;  Otieno M.;  Park M.G.;  Pfiffner L.;  Pocock M.J.O.;  Ponce C.;  Potts S.G.;  Poveda K.;  Ramos M.;  Rosenheim J.A.;  Rundlöf M.;  Sardiñas H.;  Saunders M.E.;  Schon N.L.;  Sciligo A.R.;  Sidhu C.S.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.;  Tscharntke T.;  Veselý M.;  Weisser W.W.;  Wilson J.K.;  Crowder D.W.
Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (8
Ryan E.M.;  Ogle K.;  Peltier D.;  Walker A.P.;  De Kauwe M.G.;  Medlyn B.E.;  Williams D.G.;  Parton W.;  Asao S.;  Guenet B.;  Harper A.B.;  Lu X.;  Luus K.A.;  Zaehle S.;  Shu S.;  Werner C.;  Xia J.;  Pendall E.
Observed basin-scale response of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to wind stress forcing [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2017-01-01, 30 (6
Elipot S.;  Frajka-Williams E.;  Hughes C.W.;  Olhede S.;  Lankhorst M.
Heating with Biomass in the United Kingdom: Lessons from New Zealand [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 152
Mitchell E;  J;  S;  , Coulson G;  , Butt E;  W;  , Forster P;  M;  , Jones J;  M;  , Williams A
Investigating African trace gas sources, vertical transport, and oxidation using IAGOS-CARIBIC measurements between Germany and South Africa between 2009 and 2011 [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 158
Thorenz U;  R;  , Baker A;  K;  , Leedham Elvidge E;  C;  , Sauvage C;  , Riede H;  , van Velthoven P;  F;  J;  , Hermann M;  , Weigelt A;  , Oram D;  E;  , Brenninkmeijer C;  A;  M;  , Zahn A;  , Williams J
OH reactivity of the urban air in Helsinki, Finland, during winter [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 169
Praplan A;  P;  , Pfannerstill E;  Y;  , Williams J;  , Hellén H
A climate trend analysis of Ethiopia: examining subseasonal climate impacts on crops and pasture conditions [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2017-01-01, 142 (2018-01-02
Brown M.E.;  Funk C.;  Pedreros D.;  Korecha D.;  Lemma M.;  Rowland J.;  Williams E.;  Verdin J.

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