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Observation of high-frequency electrostatic waves in the vicinity of the reconnection ion diffusion region by the spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (10
Zhou M.;  Ashour-Abdalla M.;  Berchem J.;  Walker R.J.;  Liang H.;  El-Alaoui M.;  Goldstein M.L.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Marklund G.;  Khotyaintsev Y.V.;  Ergun R.E.;  Wilder F.D.;  Russell C.T.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Zhao C.;  Paterson W.R.;  Giles B.L.;  Pollock C.J.;  Torbert R.B.;  Burch J.L.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Gershman D.J.;  Avanov L.A.;  Lavraud B.;  Chandler M.O.
How will SOA change in the future? [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (4
Lin G.;  Penner J.E.;  Zhou C.
Sound velocities of aluminum-bearing stishovite in the mantle transition zone [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (9
Gréaux S.;  Kono Y.;  Wang Y.;  Yamada A.;  Zhou C.;  Jing Z.;  Inoue T.;  Higo Y.;  Irifune T.;  Sakamoto N.;  Yurimoto H.
Electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (11
Hao Y.X.;  Zong Q.-G.;  Zhou X.-Z.;  Fu S.Y.;  Rankin R.;  Yuan C.-J.;  Lui A.T.Y.;  Spence H.E.;  Blake J.B.;  Baker D.N.;  Reeves G.D.
Insights from a refined decomposition of cloud feedbacks [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (17
Zelinka M.D.;  Zhou C.;  Klein S.A.
Force balance at the magnetopause determined with MMS: Application to flux transfer events [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (23
Zhao C.;  Russell C.T.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Petrinec S.M.;  Paterson W.R.;  Zhou M.;  Anderson B.J.;  Baumjohann W.;  Bromund K.R.;  Chutter M.;  Fischer D.;  Le G.;  Nakamura R.;  Plaschke F.;  Slavin J.A.;  Torbert R.B.;  Wei H.Y.
Explaining occurrences of auroral kilometric radiation in Van Allen radiation belts [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (23
Xiao F.;  Zhou Q.;  Su Z.;  He Z.;  Yang C.;  Liu S.;  He Y.;  Gao Z.
Tan-Lu fault system and its significance in oil accumulation in the central Liaodong Bay subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China [期刊论文]
AAPG Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 100 (2
Teng C.;  Hao F.;  Zou H.;  Zhou X.;  Xu C.
Re-Evaluation of Phylogenetic Relationships among Species of the Mangrove Genus Avicennia from Indo-West Pacific Based on Multilocus Analyses [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (10
Xinnian Li;  Norman C. Duke;  Yuchen Yang;  Lishi Huang;  Yuxiang Zhu;  Zhang Zhang;  Renchao Zhou;  Cairong Zhong;  Yelin Huang;  Suhua Shi
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Methane-derived authigenic carbonate from the lower Doushantuo Formation of South China: Implications for seawater sulfate concentration and global carbon cycle in the early Ediacaran ocean [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016-01-01, 461
Zhou C.;  Guan C.;  Cui H.;  Ouyang Q.;  Wang W.

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