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South East Europe electricity roadmap–modelling energy transition in the electricity sectors [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2019-01-01, 19 (4
Szabó L.;  Kelemen Á.;  Mezősi A.;  Pató Z.;  Kácsor E.;  Resch G.;  Liebmann L.
Mapping soil hydraulic properties using random-forest-based pedotransfer functions and geostatistics [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (6
Szabó B.;  Szatmári G.;  Takács K.;  Laborczi A.;  Makó A.;  Rajkai K.;  Pásztor L.
Thermo-optical properties of residential coals and combustion aerosols [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2018-01-01, 178
Pintér M;  , Ajtai T;  , Kiss-Albert G;  , Utry N;  , Kiss D;  , Smausz T;  , Kohut A;  , Hopp B;  , Galbács G;  , Kukovecz Á;  , Kónya Z;  , Szabó G;  , Bozóki Z
Can aquatic macrophytes be biofilters for gadolinium based contrasting agents? [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 135
Braun M.;  Zavanyi G.;  Laczovics A.;  Berényi E.;  Szabó S.
A method for segregating the optical absorption properties and the mass concentration of winter time urban aerosol [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 122
Ajtai T;  , Utry N;  , Pintér M;  , Major B;  , Bozóki Z;  , Szabó G
Correlations between absorption Angström exponent (AAE) of wintertime ambient urban aerosol and its physical and chemical properties [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 91
Utry N;  , Ajtai T;  , Filep T;  , Pintér M;  , Török Z;  , Bozóki Z;  , Szabó G