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An assessment of the performance of scenarios against historical global emissions for IPCC reports [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 66
Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen J.;  Duarte Santos F.;  van Vuuren D.;  Gupta J.;  Encarnação Coelho R.;  Aparício B.A.;  Swart R.
Efficient CRISPR-mediated base editing in agrobacterium spp [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021-01-01, 118 (2
Rodrigues S.D.;  Karimi M.;  Impens L.;  van Lerberge E.;  Coussens G.;  Aesaert S.;  Rombaut D.;  Holtappels D.;  Ibrahim H.M.M.;  van Montagu M.;  Wagemans J.;  Jacobs T.B.;  de Coninck B.;  Pauwels L.
Towards interactive global paleogeographic maps, new reconstructions at 60, 40 and 20 Ma [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 214
Poblete F.;  Dupont-Nivet G.;  Licht A.;  van Hinsbergen D.J.J.;  Roperch P.;  Mihalynuk M.G.;  Johnston S.T.;  Guillocheau F.;  Baby G.;  Fluteau F.;  Robin C.;  van der Linden T.J.M.;  Ruiz D.;  Baatsen M.L.J.
Stress causes interspecific facilitation within a compost community [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2021-01-01,
Hesse E.;  O'Brien S.;  Luján A.M.;  Sanders D.;  Bayer F.;  van Veen E.M.;  Hodgson D.J.;  Buckling A.
Successional syndromes of saplings in tropical secondary forests emerge from environment-dependent trait–demography relationships [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2021-01-01, 24 (9
Lai H.R.;  Craven D.;  Hall J.S.;  Hui F.K.C.;  van Breugel M.
No peace for the forest: Rapid, widespread land changes in the Andes-Amazon region following the Colombian civil war [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 69
Murillo-Sandoval P.J.;  Gjerdseth E.;  Correa-Ayram C.;  Wrathall D.;  Van Den Hoek J.;  Dávalos L.M.;  Kennedy R.
An assessment of the performance of scenarios against historical global emissions for IPCC reports [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 66
Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen J.;  Duarte Santos F.;  van Vuuren D.;  Gupta J.;  Encarnação Coelho R.;  Aparício B.A.;  Swart R.
Past abrupt changes, tipping points and cascading impacts in the Earth system [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (8
Brovkin V.;  Brook E.;  Williams J.W.;  Bathiany S.;  Lenton T.M.;  Barton M.;  DeConto R.M.;  Donges J.F.;  Ganopolski A.;  McManus J.;  Praetorius S.;  de Vernal A.;  Abe-Ouchi A.;  Cheng H.;  Claussen M.;  Crucifix M.;  Gallopín G.;  Iglesias V.;  Kaufman D.S.;  Kleinen T.;  Lambert F.;  van der Leeuw S.;  Liddy H.;  Loutre M.-F.;  McGee D.;  Rehfeld K.;  Rhodes R.;  Seddon A.W.R.;  Trauth M.H.;  Vanderveken L.;  Yu Z.
A record of plume-induced plate rotation triggering subduction initiation [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (8
van Hinsbergen D.J.J.;  Steinberger B.;  Guilmette C.;  Maffione M.;  Gürer D.;  Peters K.;  Plunder A.;  McPhee P.J.;  Gaina C.;  Advokaat E.L.;  Vissers R.L.M.;  Spakman W.
The effect of considering polar vortex dynamics in the validation of satellite total ozone observations [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2020-01-01, 238
Paschou P.;  Koukouli M.-E.;  Balis D.;  Lerot C.;  Van Roozendael M.

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