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Topographic variation in soil erosion and accumulation determined with meteoric Be-10 [期刊论文]
EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 2019-01-01, 44 (1) : 98-111
Marquard, Julia;  Aalto, Rolf E.;  Barrows, Timothy T.;  Fisher, Beth A.;  Aufdenkampe, Anthony K.;  Stone, John O.
Measurement of the 13C isotopic signature of methane emissions from northern European wetlands [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2017-01-01, 31 (3
Fisher R;  E;  , France J;  L;  , Lowry D;  , Lanoisellé M;  , Brownlow R;  , Pyle J;  A;  , Cain M;  , Warwick N;  , Skiba U;  M;  , Drewer J;  , Dinsmore K;  J;  , Leeson S;  R;  , Bauguitte S;  J;  -B;  , Wellpott A;  , O'Shea S;  J;  , Allen G;  , Gallagher M;  W;  , Pitt J;  , Percival C;  J;  , Bower K;  , George C;  , Hayman G;  D;  , Aalto T;  , Lohila A;  , Aurela M;  , Laurila T;  , Crill P;  M;  , McCalley C;  K;  , Nisbet E;  G
Early snowmelt significantly enhances boreal springtime carbon uptake [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017-01-01, 114 (42
Pulliainen J.;  Aurela M.;  Laurila T.;  Aalto T.;  Takala M.;  Salminen M.;  Kulmala M.;  Barr A.;  Heimann M.;  Lindroth A.;  Laaksonen A.;  Derksen C.;  Mäkelä A.;  Markkanen T.;  Lemmetyinen J.;  Susiluoto J.;  Dengel S.;  Mammarella I.;  Tuovinen J.-P.;  Vesala T.
Large contribution of boreal upland forest soils to a catchment-scale CH4 balance in a wet year [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (6
Lohila A.;  Aalto T.;  Aurela M.;  Hatakka J.;  Tuovinen J.-P.;  Kilkki J.;  Penttilä T.;  Vuorenmaa J.;  Hänninen P.;  Sutinen R.;  Viisanen Y.;  Laurila T.
Assessing various drought indicators in representing summer drought in boreal forests in Finland [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (1
Gao Y;  , Markkanen T;  , Thum T;  , Aurela M;  , Lohila A;  , Mammarella I;  , Kämäraïnen M;  , Hagemann S;  , Aalto T
Biogenic Aerosols—Effects on Clouds and Climate (BAECC) Final Campaign Summary [研究报告]
Petäjä, T;  Moisseev, D;  Sinclair, V;  O’Connor, E;  Manninen, A;  Levula, J;  Väänänen, R;  Heikkinen, L;  Ă„ijälä, M;  Aalto, J;  Thornton, JA
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Comparative study of ultrafine atmospheric aerosol within a city [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 92
Salma I;  , Borsós T;  , Németh Z;  , Weidinger T;  , Aalto P;  , Kulmala M