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The Paucity of Frugivores in Madagascar May Not Be Due to Unpredictable Temperatures or Fruit Resources [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (1
Sarah Federman;  Miranda Sinnott-Armstrong;  Andrea L. Baden;  Colin A. Chapman;  Douglas C. Daly;  Alison R. Richard;  Kim Valenta;  Michael J. Donoghue
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Human influence on climate in the 2014 southern England winter floods and their impacts [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2016-02-01, Volume:6,Pages:627–634 (2016)
Nathalie Schaller;  Alison L. Kay;  Rob Lamb;  Neil R. Massey;  Geert Jan van Oldenborgh;  Friederike E. L. Otto;  Sarah N. Sparrow;  Robert Vautard;  Pascal Yiou;  Ian Ashpole;  Andy Bowery;  Susan M. Crooks;  Karsten Haustein;  Chris Huntingford;  William J. Ingram;  Richard G. Jones;  Tim Legg;  Jonathan Miller;  Jessica Skeggs;  David Wallom;  Antje Weisheimer;  Simon Wilson;  Peter A. Stott;  Myles R. Allen
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Geographic Variations in Retention in Care among HIV-Infected Adults in the United States [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (1
Peter F. Rebeiro;  Stephen J. Gange;  Michael A. Horberg;  Alison G. Abraham;  Sonia Napravnik;  Hasina Samji;  Baligh R. Yehia;  Keri N. Althoff;  Richard D. Moore;  Mari M. Kitahata;  Timothy R. Sterling;  Frank C. Curriero;  for the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD)
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Prioritizing Environmental Chemicals for Obesity and Diabetes Outcomes Research: A Screening Approach Using ToxCast™ High-Throughput Data [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 8
Scott Auerbach;  1 Dayne Filer;  2 David Reif;  3 Vickie Walker;  1 Alison C. Holloway;  4 Jennifer Schlezinger;  5 Supriya Srinivasan;  6 Daniel Svoboda;  7 Richard Judson;  2 John R. Bucher;  1;  Kristina A. Thayer1
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