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Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2020-01-01, 10 (2
Myers-Smith I.H.;  Kerby J.T.;  Phoenix G.K.;  Bjerke J.W.;  Epstein H.E.;  Assmann J.J.;  John C.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Angers-Blondin S.;  Beck P.S.A.;  Berner L.T.;  Bhatt U.S.;  Bjorkman A.D.;  Blok D.;  Bryn A.;  Christiansen C.T.;  Cornelissen J.H.C.;  Cunliffe A.M.;  Elmendorf S.C.;  Forbes B.C.;  Goetz S.J.;  Hollister R.D.;  de Jong R.;  Loranty M.M.;  Macias-Fauria M.;  Maseyk K.;  Normand S.;  Olofsson J.;  Parker T.C.;  Parmentier F.-J.W.;  Post E.;  Schaepman-Strub G.;  Stordal F.;  Sullivan P.F.;  Thomas H.J.D.;  Tømmervik H.;  Treharne R.;  Tweedie C.E.;  Walker D.A.;  Wilmking M.;  Wipf S.
Tree-ring isotopes capture interannual vegetation productivity dynamics at the biome scale [期刊论文]
Levesque, Mathieu;  Andreu-Hayles, Laia;  Smith, William Kolby;  Williams, A. Park;  Hobi, Martina L.;  Allred, Brady W.;  Pederson, Neil
Strip-Bark Morphology and Radial Growth Trends in Ancient Pinus sibirica Trees From Central Mongolia [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Leland C.;  Cook E.R.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Pederson N.;  Hessl A.;  Anchukaitis K.J.;  Byambasuren O.;  Nachin B.;  Davi N.;  D'Arrigo R.;  Griffin K.;  Bishop D.A.;  Rao M.P.
Assessing forest vulnerability to climate warming using a process-based model of tree growth: bad prospects for rear-edges [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (7
Sánchez-Salguero R.;  Camarero J.J.;  Gutiérrez E.;  González Rouco F.;  Gazol A.;  Sangüesa-Barreda G.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Linares J.C.;  Seftigen K.
400 Years of summer hydroclimate from stable isotopes in Iberian trees [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2017-01-01, 49 (2017-01-02
Andreu-Hayles L.;  Ummenhofer C.C.;  Barriendos M.;  Schleser G.H.;  Helle G.;  Leuenberger M.;  Gutiérrez E.;  Cook E.R.
Experiments based on blue intensity for reconstructing North Pacific temperatures along the Gulf of Alaska [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2017-01-01, 13 (8
Wilson R.;  D'Arrigo R.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Oelkers R.;  Wiles G.;  Anchukaitis K.;  Davi N.
Little Ice Age wetting of interior Asian deserts and the rise of the Mongol Empire [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016-01-01, 131
Putnam A.E.;  Putnam D.E.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Cook E.R.;  Palmer J.G.;  Clark E.H.;  Wang C.;  Chen F.;  Denton G.H.;  Boyle D.P.;  Bassett S.D.;  Birkel S.D.;  Martin-Fernandez J.;  Hajdas I.;  Southon J.;  Garner C.B.;  Cheng H.;  Broecker W.S.
Erratum to: Eight-hundred years of summer temperature variations in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from tree rings [Clim Dyn, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2348-5] [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2015-01-01, 44 (2017-07-08
Dorado Liñán I.;  Zorita E.;  González-Rouco J.F.;  Heinrich I.;  Campelo F.;  Muntán E.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Gutiérrez E.
Spatial variability and temporal trends in water-use efficiency of European forests [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2014-01-01, 20 (12
Saurer M.;  Spahni R.;  Frank D.C.;  Joos F.;  Leuenberger M.;  Loader N.J.;  Mccarroll D.;  Gagen M.;  Poulter B.;  Siegwolf R.T.W.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Boettger T.;  Dorado Liñán I.;  Fairchild I.J.;  Friedrich M.;  Gutierrez E.;  Haupt M.;  Hilasvuori E.;  Heinrich I.;  Helle G.;  Grudd H.;  Jalkanen R.;  Levanič T.;  Linderholm H.W.;  Robertson I.;  Sonninen E.;  Treydte K.;  Waterhouse J.S.;  Woodley E.J.;  Wynn P.M.;  Young G.H.F.
Eight-hundred years of summer temperature variations in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from tree rings [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2014-01-01, 44 (2017-01-02
Dorado Liñán I.;  Zorita E.;  González-Rouco J.F.;  Heinrich I.;  Campello F.;  Muntán E.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Gutiérrez E.

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