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Community assembly and climate mismatch in late quaternary eastern North American pollen assemblages [期刊论文]
American Naturalist, 2020-01-01, 195 (2
Knight C.A.;  Blois J.L.;  Blonder B.;  Macias-Fauria M.;  Ordonez A.;  Svenning J.-C.
High water use in desert plants exposed to extreme heat [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (8
Aparecido L.M.T.;  Woo S.;  Suazo C.;  Hultine K.R.;  Blonder B.
Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size-related traits across the tundra biome [期刊论文]
GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 2019-01-01, 28 (2) : 78-95
Thomas, H. J. D.;  Myers-Smith, I. H.;  Bjorkman, A. D.;  Elmendorf, S. C.;  Blok, D.;  Cornelissen, J. H. C.;  Forbes, B. C.;  Hollister, R. D.;  Normand, S.;  Prevey, J. S.;  Rixen, C.;  Schaepman-Strub, G.;  Wilmking, M.;  Wipf, S.;  Cornwell, W. K.;  Kattge, J.;  Goetz, S. J.;  Guay, K. C.;  Alatalo, J. M.;  Anadon-Rosell, A.;  Angers-Blondin, S.;  Berner, L. T.;  Bjork, R. G.;  Buchwal, A.;  Buras, A.;  Carbognani, M.;  Christie, K.;  Collier, L. Siegwart;  Cooper, E. J.;  Eskelinen, A.;  Frei, E. R.;  Grau, O.;  Grogan, P.;  Hallinger, M.;  Heijmans, M. M. P. D.;  Hermanutz, L.;  Hudson, J. M. G.;  Huelber, K.;  Iturrate-Garcia, M.;  Iversen, C. M.;  Jaroszynska, F.;  Johnstone, J. F.;  Kaarlejarvi, E.;  Kulonen, A.;  Lamarque, L. J.;  Levesque, E.;  Little, C. J.;  Michelsen, A.;  Milbau, A.;  Nabe-Nielsen, J.;  Nielsen, S. S.;  Ninot, J. M.;  Oberbauer, S. F.;  Olofsson, J.;  Onipchenko, V. G.;  Petraglia, A.;  Rumpf, S. B.;  Semenchuk, P. R.;  Soudzilovskaia, N. A.;  Spasojevic, M. J.;  Speed, J. D. M.;  Tape, K. D.;  te Beest, M.;  Tomaselli, M.;  Trant, A.;  Treier, U. A.;  Venn, S.;  Vowles, T.;  Weijers, S.;  Zamin, T.;  Atkin, O. K.;  Bahn, M.;  Blonder, B.;  Campetella, G.;  Cerabolini, B. E. L.;  Chapin, F. S., III;  Dainese, M.;  de Vries, F. T.;  Diaz, S.;  Green, W.;  Jackson, R. B.;  Manning, P.;  Niinemets, U.;  Ozinga, W. A.;  Penuelas, J.;  Reich, P. B.;  Schamp, B.;  Sheremetev, S.;  van Bodegom, P. M.
Late Quaternary climate legacies in contemporary plant functional composition [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (10
Blonder B.;  Enquist B.J.;  Graae B.J.;  Kattge J.;  Maitner B.S.;  Morueta-Holme N.;  Ordonez A.;  Šímová I.;  Singarayer J.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Valdes P.J.;  Violle C.
Predictability in community dynamics [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2017-01-01, 20 (3
Blonder B.;  Moulton D.E.;  Blois J.;  Enquist B.J.;  Graae B.J.;  Macias-Fauria M.;  McGill B.;  Nogué S.;  Ordonez A.;  Sandel B.;  Svenning J.-C.
Pushing Past Boundaries for Trait Hypervolumes: A Response to Carmona et al. [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2016-01-01, 31 (9
Blonder B.