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Towards a New Generation of Trait-Flexible Vegetation Models [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2020-01-01, 35 (3
Berzaghi F.;  Wright I.J.;  Kramer K.;  Oddou-Muratorio S.;  Bohn F.J.;  Reyer C.P.O.;  Sabaté S.;  Sanders T.G.M.;  Hartig F.
The dimensionality of stability depends on disturbance type [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2019-01-01, 22 (4
Radchuk V.;  Laender F.D.;  Cabral J.S.;  Boulangeat I.;  Crawford M.;  Bohn F.;  Raedt J.D.;  Scherer C.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Thonicke K.;  Schurr F.M.;  Grimm V.;  Kramer-Schadt S.
Maximum efficiency in the hydroxyl-radical-based self-cleansing of the troposphere [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2014-01-01, 7 (8
Rohrer F.;  Lu K.;  Hofzumahaus A.;  Bohn B.;  Brauers T.;  Chang C.-C.;  Fuchs H.;  Häseler R.;  Holland F.;  Hu M.;  Kita K.;  Kondo Y.;  Li X.;  Lou S.;  Oebel A.;  Shao M.;  Zeng L.;  Zhu T.;  Zhang Y.;  Wahner A.
Seasonal measurements of OH, NOx, and J(O1D) at Mace Head, Ireland [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013-01-01, 40 (8
Berresheim H.;  McGrath J.;  Adam M.;  Mauldin III R.L.;  Bohn B.;  Rohrer F.
Bayesian calibration, comparison and averaging of six forest models, using data from Scots pine stands across Europe [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2013-01-01, 289
van Oijen M.;  Reyer C.;  Bohn F.J.;  Cameron D.R.;  Deckmyn G.;  Flechsig M.;  Härkönen S.;  Hartig F.;  Huth A.;  Kiviste A.;  Lasch P.;  Mäkelä A.;  Mette T.;  Minunno F.;  Rammer W.
Experimental evidence for efficient hydroxyl radical regeneration in isoprene oxidation [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2013-01-01, 6 (12
Fuchs H.;  Hofzumahaus A.;  Rohrer F.;  Bohn B.;  Brauers T.;  Dorn H.-P.;  Häseler R.;  Holland F.;  Kaminski M.;  Li X.;  Lu K.;  Nehr S.;  Tillmann R.;  Wegener R.;  Wahner A.