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Submarine landslides triggered by iceberg collision with the seafloor [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (8
Normandeau A.;  MacKillop K.;  Macquarrie M.;  Richards C.;  Bourgault D.;  Campbell D.C.;  Maselli V.;  Philibert G.;  Clarke J.H.
Which practices co-deliver food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and combat land degradation and desertification? [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2020-01-01, 26 (3
Smith P.;  Calvin K.;  Nkem J.;  Campbell D.;  Cherubini F.;  Grassi G.;  Korotkov V.;  Le Hoang A.;  Lwasa S.;  McElwee P.;  Nkonya E.;  Saigusa N.;  Soussana J.-F.;  Taboada M.A.;  Manning F.C.;  Nampanzira D.;  Arias-Navarro C.;  Vizzarri M.;  House J.;  Roe S.;  Cowie A.;  Rounsevell M.;  Arneth A.
Impacts of an earn-a-bike cycling education program on children's time spent cycling [期刊论文]
Journal of Transport and Health, 2020-01-01, 16
Carlson J.A.;  Steel C.;  Bejarano C.;  Grimes A.;  Shook R.P.;  Reddy A.;  Green M.;  Morefield T.;  Steele L.;  Campbell K.;  Rogers E.
Muskox status, recent variation, and uncertain future [期刊论文]
Ambio, 2020-01-01, 49 (3
Cuyler C.;  Rowell J.;  Adamczewski J.;  Anderson M.;  Blake J.;  Bretten T.;  Brodeur V.;  Campbell M.;  Checkley S.L.;  Cluff H.D.;  Côté S.D.;  Davison T.;  Dumond M.;  Ford B.;  Gruzdev A.;  Gunn A.;  Jones P.;  Kutz S.;  Leclerc L.-M.;  Mallory C.;  Mavrot F.;  Mosbacher J.B.;  Okhlopkov I.M.;  Reynolds P.;  Schmidt N.M.;  Sipko T.;  Suitor M.;  Tomaselli M.;  Ytrehus B.
Frontiers in coastal well-being and ecosystem services research: A systematic review [期刊论文]
Ocean and Coastal Management, 2020-01-01, 185
Blythe J.;  Armitage D.;  Alonso G.;  Campbell D.;  Esteves Dias A.C.;  Epstein G.;  Marschke M.;  Nayak P.
Algal photophysiology drives darkening and melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (11
Williamson C.J.;  Cook J.;  Tedstone A.;  Yallop M.;  McCutcheon J.;  Poniecka E.;  Campbell D.;  Irvine-Fynn T.;  McQuaid J.;  Tranter M.;  Perkins R.;  Anesio A.
Algal photophysiology drives darkening and melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (11
Williamson C.J.;  Cook J.;  Tedstone A.;  Yallop M.;  McCutcheon J.;  Poniecka E.;  Campbell D.;  Irvine-Fynn T.;  McQuaid J.;  Tranter M.;  Perkins R.;  Anesio A.
Algal photophysiology drives darkening and melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (11
Williamson C.J.;  Cook J.;  Tedstone A.;  Yallop M.;  McCutcheon J.;  Poniecka E.;  Campbell D.;  Irvine-Fynn T.;  McQuaid J.;  Tranter M.;  Perkins R.;  Anesio A.
Algal photophysiology drives darkening and melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (11
Williamson C.J.;  Cook J.;  Tedstone A.;  Yallop M.;  McCutcheon J.;  Poniecka E.;  Campbell D.;  Irvine-Fynn T.;  McQuaid J.;  Tranter M.;  Perkins R.;  Anesio A.
The Late Triassic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: Biotic evidence and geochemical signature [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 204
Rigo M.;  Onoue T.;  Tanner L.H.;  Lucas S.G.;  Godfrey L.;  Katz M.E.;  Zaffani M.;  Grice K.;  Cesar J.;  Yamashita D.;  Maron M.;  Tackett L.S.;  Campbell H.;  Tateo F.;  Concheri G.;  Agnini C.;  Chiari M.;  Bertinelli A.

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