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Future changes in rice yields over the Mekong River Delta due to climate change-Alarming or alerting? [期刊论文]
THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 137 (1-2) : 545-555
Jiang, Ze;  Raghavan, Srivatsan V.;  Hur, Jina;  Sun, Yabin;  Liong, Shie-Yui;  Van Qui Nguyen;  Tri Van Pham Dang
Population genomics of the peripheral freshwater fish Polynemus melanochir (Perciformes, Polynemidae) in a changing Mekong Delta [期刊论文]
CONSERVATION GENETICS, 2019-01-01, 20 (5) : 961-972
Dang, B. T.;  Vu, Q. H. D.;  Biesack, E. E.;  Doan, T., V;  Truong, O. T.;  Trani, T. L.;  Ackiss, A. S.;  Stockwell, B. L.;  Carpenter, K. E.
More frequent showers and thunderstorm days under a warming climate: evidence observed over Northern Eurasia from 1966 to 2000 [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2017-01-01, 49 (2017-05-06
Ye H.;  Fetzer E.J.;  Wong S.;  Lambrigtsen B.H.;  Wang T.;  Chen L.;  Dang V.
Seasonal variations of coastal sedimentary trace metals cycling: Insight on the effect of manganese and iron (oxy)hydroxides, sulphide and organic matter [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015-01-01, 92 (2018-01-02
Dang D.H.;  Lenoble V.;  Durrieu G.;  Omanović D.;  Mullot J.-U.;  Mounier S.;  Garnier C.