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Brief communication: New radar constraints support presence of ice older than 1.5 Myr at Little Dome C [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (4
Lilien D.A.;  Steinhage D.;  Taylor D.;  Parrenin F.;  Ritz C.;  Mulvaney R.;  Martín C.;  Yan J.-B.;  O'Neill C.;  Frezzotti M.;  Miller H.;  Gogineni P.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Eisen O.
Accumulation patterns around Dome C, East Antarctica, in the last 73 kyr [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2018-01-01, 12 (4
Cavitte M;  G;  P;  , Parrenin F;  , Ritz C;  , Young A;  , Van Liefferinge B;  , Blankenship D;  D;  , Frezzotti M;  , Roberts J;  L
Geothermal flux and basal melt rate in the Dome C region inferred from radar reflectivity and heat modelling [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2017-01-01, 11 (5
Passalacqua O;  , Ritz C;  , Parrenin F;  , Urbini S;  , Frezzotti M
High-resolution boundary conditions of an old ice target near Dome C, Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2017-01-01, 11 (4
Young D;  A;  , Roberts J;  L;  , Ritz C;  , Frezzotti M;  , Quartini E;  , Cavitte M;  G;  P;  , Tozer C;  R;  , Steinhage D;  , Urbini S;  , Corr H;  F;  J;  , Van Ommen T;  , Blankenship D;  D
Bromine, iodine and sodium in surface snow along the 2013 Talos Dome-GV7 traverse (northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica) [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2017-01-01, 11 (2
Maffezzoli N;  , Spolaor A;  , Barbante C;  , Bertò M;  , Frezzotti M;  , Vallelonga P
Age of the Mt. Ortles ice cores, the Tyrolean Iceman and glaciation of the highest summit of South Tyrol since the Northern Hemisphere Climatic Optimum [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2016-01-01, 10 (6
Gabrielli P;  , Barbante C;  , Bertagna G;  , Bertó M;  , Binder D;  , Carton A;  , Carturan L;  , Cazorzi F;  , Cozzi G;  , Dalla Fontana G;  , Davis M;  , De Blasi F;  , Dinale R;  , Dragà G;  , Dreossi G;  , Festi D;  , Frezzotti M;  , Gabrieli J;  , Galos S;  , Ginot P;  , Heidenwolf P;  , Jenk T;  M;  , Kehrwald N;  , Kenny D;  , Magand O;  , Mair V;  , Mikhalenko V;  , Lin P;  N;  , Oeggl K;  , Piffer G;  , Rinaldi M;  , Schotterer U;  , Schwikowski M;  , Seppi R;  , Spolaor A;  , Stenni B;  , Tonidandel D;  , Uglietti C;  , Zagorodnov V;  , Zanoner T;  , Zennaro P
Modern and Holocene aeolian dust variability from Talos Dome (Northern Victoria Land) to the interior of the Antarctic ice sheet [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013-01-01, 64
Delmonte B.;  Baroni C.;  Andersson P.S.;  Narcisi B.;  Salvatore M.C.;  Petit J.R.;  Scarchilli C.;  Frezzotti M.;  Albani S.;  Maggi V.
Where to find 1.5 million yr old ice for the IPICS "Oldest-Ice" ice core [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2013-01-01, 9 (6
Fischer H.;  Severinghaus J.;  Brook E.;  Wolff E.;  Albert M.;  Alemany O.;  Arthern R.;  Bentley C.;  Blankenship D.;  Chappellaz J.;  Creyts T.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Dinn M.;  Frezzotti M.;  Fujita S.;  Gallee H.;  Hindmarsh R.;  Hudspeth D.;  Jugie G.;  Kawamura K.;  Lipenkov V.;  Miller H.;  Mulvaney R.;  Parrenin F.;  Pattyn F.;  Ritz C.;  Schwander J.;  Steinhage D.;  Van Ommen T.;  Wilhelms F.
A synthesis of the Antarctic surface mass balance during the last 800 yr [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2013-01-01, 7 (1
Frezzotti M;  , Scarchilli C;  , Becagli S;  , Proposito M;  , Urbini S
Interpreting last glacial to Holocene dust changes at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): Implications for atmospheric variations from regional to hemispheric scales [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2012-01-01, 8 (2
Albani S.;  Delmonte B.;  Maggi V.;  Baroni C.;  Petit J.-R.;  Stenni B.;  Mazzola C.;  Frezzotti M.