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Back-propagating supershear rupture in the 2016 M w 7.1 Romanche transform fault earthquake [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (9
Hicks S.P.;  Okuwaki R.;  Steinberg A.;  Rychert C.A.;  Harmon N.;  Abercrombie R.E.;  Bogiatzis P.;  Schlaphorst D.;  Zahradnik J.;  Kendall J.-M.;  Yagi Y.;  Shimizu K.;  Sudhaus H.
Drainage enhances modern soil carbon contribution but reduces old soil carbon contribution to ecosystem respiration in tundra ecosystems [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (4
Kwon M.J.;  Natali S.M.;  Hicks Pries C.E.;  Schuur E.A.G.;  Steinhof A.;  Crummer K.G.;  Zimov N.;  Zimov S.A.;  Heimann M.;  Kolle O.;  Göckede M.
Reduced braiding of rivers in human-modified landscapes: Converging trajectories and diversity of causes [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 188
Stecca G.;  Zolezzi G.;  Hicks D.M.;  Surian N.
Comparing benthic biogeochemistry at a sandy and a muddy site in the Celtic Sea using a model and observations [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 135 (2018-01-02
Aldridge J.N.;  Lessin G.;  Amoudry L.O.;  Hicks N.;  Hull T.;  Klar J.K.;  Kitidis V.;  McNeill C.L.;  Ingels J.;  Parker E.R.;  Silburn B.;  Silva T.;  Sivyer D.B.;  Smith H.E.K.;  Widdicombe S.;  Woodward E.M.S.;  van der Molen J.;  Garcia L.;  Kröger S.
Benthic pH gradients across a range of shelf sea sediment types linked to sediment characteristics and seasonal variability [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 135 (2018-01-02
Silburn B.;  Kröger S.;  Parker E.R.;  Sivyer D.B.;  Hicks N.;  Powell C.F.;  Johnson M.;  Greenwood N.
Oxygen dynamics in shelf seas sediments incorporating seasonal variability [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 135 (2018-01-02
Hicks N.;  Ubbara G.R.;  Silburn B.;  Smith H.E.K.;  Kröger S.;  Parker E.R.;  Sivyer D.;  Kitidis V.;  Hatton A.;  Mayor D.J.;  Stahl H.
An approach for the identification of exemplar sites for scaling up targeted field observations of benthic biogeochemistry in heterogeneous environments [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 135 (2018-01-02
Thompson C.E.L.;  Silburn B.;  Williams M.E.;  Hull T.;  Sivyer D.;  Amoudry L.O.;  Widdicombe S.;  Ingels J.;  Carnovale G.;  McNeill C.L.;  Hale R.;  Marchais C.L.;  Hicks N.;  Smith H.E.K.;  Klar J.K.;  Hiddink J.G.;  Kowalik J.;  Kitidis V.;  Reynolds S.;  Woodward E.M.S.;  Tait K.;  Homoky W.B.;  Kröger S.;  Bolam S.;  Godbold J.A.;  Aldridge J.;  Mayor D.J.;  Benoist N.M.A.;  Bett B.J.;  Morris K.J.;  Parker E.R.;  Ruhl H.A.;  Statham P.J.;  Solan M.
Managing Small-Scale Commercial Fisheries for Adaptive Capacity: Insights from Dynamic Social-Ecological Drivers of Change in Monterey Bay [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (3
Stacy E. Aguilera;  Jennifer Cole;  Elena M. Finkbeiner;  Elodie Le Cornu;  Natalie C. Ban;  Mark H. Carr;  Joshua E. Cinner;  Larry B. Crowder;  Stefan Gelcich;  Christina C. Hicks;  John N. Kittinger;  Rebecca Martone;  Daniel Malone;  Carrie Pomeroy;  Richard M. Starr;  Sanah Seram;  Rachel Zuercher;  Kenneth Broad
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